Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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Good to hear all of that, bev.  Thanks.  Now that I think of it, I guess you could go from one territory to the next (by TPC's descriptions) here too, east to west, in 10 mins.  It's the north to south part of the territory that's bigger.  Is that the same with yours? 

I love to see eggs at this site.  I haven't for awhile (Elk River - guilty :-[)  All I ever see is incubation (where's that 'snoring' smiley?).  Do they still have all the eggs? 

Thanks guys.  the Il Divo concert was last night Liz. I t was LL that went to it first in Winnipeg.

Luckily for me the hatches will of course be different and the fledges  should be 3 weeks apart.  the University ones should be well on their way before  the ones from Weber.  the Weber builidng is only a 10 minute drive away so I can do 2 at the same time. I will not be able to do as much as last year I am sure but I am hopeful there are a few people in Edmonton that will also observe. maybe even set up a watch of some sort.

Now remember I am assuming there are eggs. but from all I  have seen and observed I am confident. But when they get the tracking  from the transmitter they should be able to see if I am right.  the male is unbanded  and I am hoping he is a good male like at the clinical science site.  tomorrow the biologist gets his computer back and then we should know the tracking.

they are still doing a great job of sharing duties at University site.  A good match up


--- Quote from: bev. on May 25, 2009, 13:37 ---May 25
Great news is TG girl has a mate and they are copulating and I believe they have eggs or are in the process of laying eggs.  I need a few more days to know for sure, but i have a concert   tonight.
--- End quote ---

Bev, that's wonderful news about Transmitter Girl! She was always one of my favourites, and she has had such a hard life. I wonder who her mate is. Talons crossed that everything will go well for her this year. Please keep us updated.

The male is unbanded  and this is our girl from the clinical science site so I will try and get band numbers I believe she is an Edmonton girl also but I will check.

I have to check out a few more times . I guess it can be called the Weber building site  becasue  that is where they thought she would nest and I could be wrong . so I will check on Tuesday. They are still on WEber building but after the second copulation he stayed on Weber building and she flew down to this other building, which I will not name yet, for security reasons, and we did not see her fly out. Unfortunately this building is not as high as probably most places they nest ::) ::)

And yes Carly, hubby is  just shaking his head.

The Peregrine Chick:
Bev, need band numbers (TG is unbanded right?) and/or identities.  And if you can pinpoint the nest-site, we can set up a new board - one for Radisson, one for TG.


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