9:39 - I am writing this quickly I am keeping close watch on both sites starting today. Peter and I spent 6 hours at the Weber site last night . Very tiring but we could not leave. I will make a long story very short.Well as short as I can

Everything appeared fine from 4:30 -6:10 We see them both on Weber building when we get there. then Miss Edmonton flies off and goes onto roof of Weber building. We believe they have food stash there. Male flies off and comes back with a bit of food in his mouth. Miss Edmonton flies off and back on a letter. Male flies up and almost touches her.(we thought they were going to copulate) then male flies off NE and Miss Edmonton flies over to the ledge of what is her nest building and lies in scrape and then is up. she stays there about 9 minutes. a lot of flying around and up on Weber roof and then we find them on a machine building roof a little north.Female is standing over prey but not eating . Male is on back of roof of Weber building and comes down to machine building after female vocalizes and she take s off but we do not know where male flies off to south east around 5:50
Now I have 7 pages of notes so I am just trying to summarize
6:10 - Two falcons soaring the building .One lands on E of Weber and then off and then both are soaring. Then my heart stops. There are 3 falcons.S--- Lot s of noise and flying

Lots of flying and swooping and vocalizing by all 3. I cannot tell yet if male or female intruder . (I am a mess).Yes adn I try to clap the intuder away when he flies over us

6:25 - Miss Edmonton lands on E of Centre and the other 2 keep going at it. We can tell them apart becasue our male is much smaller. that is why we thought 2 females at first. But I think I am right in assuming that the 2 females would fight and the 2 males fight. But at first all 3 were . so I am thinking juvenile that it is bigger but who knows. Our male is crafty and keeps flying back inside one of the letters, but the other falcon soars around the building and keeps coming right in front of both. Lots of talons out and upside down and I am (you got it right ) crying .(lots of ******* also) but I have to watch as I want to be sure if one is downed we are there to phone the Wildlife rescue. Eventually one flies off to north an we know it is our male that returns to letter.
7:05-7:30 - Miss Edmonton flies around building and the 2 switch places on letters. Then Miss Edmonton and the male fly around the building and then Eddie flies off and goes to her nest site building .She lies in scrape and then up . she stays there for about 8-9 minutes They both fly around and then one flies N and one flies SE and we saw it stooping pigeons So we decide to go for supper to a restaurant right there I have to use two posts as it says I am long winded