I am going to summarize Saturday and Sundays visits becasue you do not want the pages of notes I have here.
We spent 5 hours at the site on Saturday evening You could tell the male was still on alert, but I am positive it is the same male by our picutres
The exciting thing for me is that Miss E spent Saturday and Sunday night at the scrape. At least when we left after 11:10pm she was still there so I think that would be the night for her. While we at the site Saturday and Sunday, the scrape was only left unattended for 30 minutes. Both Miss E and Beau

;)are lying in the scrape. She is there more but he is taking turns.Good sign
SAturday he flew to scrape with food and then flew off with it. Now I know this is a courting ritual but also, I witnessed Damon take a small bite to Radisson and then leave with it after she laid her first egg. I will try not to get ahead of things though.
May31We went down at 3 separate times and every time someone was lying in the scrape. When I see them moving around I imagine what they are doing from what I have seen on the cams I am not going to say where the scrape is for safety reasons of the pair. but after observing the site I feel it is a good place for fledging . It is just not as high as I would like and it is not private. But Miss E knows what she is doing . the male seems to be doing a good job. He ceertainly takes his turns at the scrape. Now yesterday they were always lying in the scrape but on Saturday they were lying and sitting.

Peter and I are very careful to not let anyone see when we are looking at scrape site. the Weber is O.K. becasue a lot of people know that the pair are there and they are just assuming they are nesting there and that is good. I will say the restaurants and junk places get more business when Peter and I are around observing. Last night ,though we took popcorn form home and water.
We even know the cleanest facilities to use

Peter has been so understanding right now. He knows how I feel about Miss E and that I jsut want to be able to pinpoint hath dates if thee are eggs. the more we are there the more he is learning and seeing also. so let us hope they are clear sailing now.
I will post picutres but my computer is running slow for some reason right now and it is taking forever to upload but I will get some posted. I will be goin tonight also