Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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Oh Bev, I'm so sorry. You did save 2 future falcons. Way to go.

So sorry things went this way Bev.  To you and all involved in Edmonton towards the effort of these birds I sympathize.  The energy that goes into the success of these nests absolutely ends up involving alot of emotion so as I feel sadness myself I can only imagine how difficult this is for you.  Hang in there my girl and know that we're all standing by cheering you and Miss Edmonton on for next year.  In the meantime I enjoy reading your posts and appreciate all I learn from your efforts in keeping the peregrines thriving.  So carry on just like "they do in nature", carry on.

So very sorry to read about Miss E and her mate and the eggs Bev.  Thank you so much for what you did for them.  Poor Miss E just can't get a break.  :'( :'( :'( :'(

My heart goes out to you, Bev. What a difficult week you have had.
Yes, we all know the great attraction and affection you have for this particular Peregrine.  Miss Edmonton is very special and you have been very faithful in watching her and hoping this would be her year.

--- Quote from: bev. on June 29, 2009, 00:12 ---When I asked if I could share the news about the eggs eith you Gord said
Feel free to report on any of this - I think it shows just how important diligent observers can be in peregrine management - in all likelihood, you have saved two young peregrine's lives!
--- End quote ---

You, Bev, in all likelihood, have saved two young peregrine's lives!  That is the good that is saved from this tragic experience.  Take care.

When I asked if I could share the news about the eggs eith you Gord said
Feel free to report on any of this - I think it shows just how important diligent observers can be in peregrine management - in all likelihood, you have saved two young peregrine's lives!


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