Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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Thanks for that news TPC..they certainly do rock!
Bev is Miss E's angel....so maybe there will be 2 of Miss E's genes flying about soon enough! 
I know that doesn't make the situation any better Bev, but you saved 2 eggs.

The Peregrine Chick:
Just for those of you who don't know all the names yet, the Trefry's are the breeders we got our two chicks last year for Princess & Trey to foster.  Princess and Trey turned us down so the chicks went back to the Trefry's and they were subsequently placed in breeding programs in Alberta and BC so their genes will be out there in the next couple of years!  The Trefry's are great to work with and their peregrines rock!  They were responsible for all but a couple of the captive-bred birds we released in the early days of the Project and which formed the basis of our current success.

How sad. Poor Miss E. She has had such bad years lately, and just when it seems things are getting better, this happens. How hard for you, too, Bev.
I do hope somebody finds out what happened to her mate, not that that will make any difference, but it's always nice to have that bit of closure. Thank goodness you were able to save two of the chicks-to-be.

Oh Bev, I'm so sorry to hear about your girl... :'(  I can't even imagine what you're going through.  I know this is hard but, the positive and good side to this is that you saved 2 eggs and Miss E is safe and strong.  All your dedication has paid off for Miss E as you in fact saved her eggs.  You are her Angel!  I'm sorry that this happened to her...she's one great Falcon.  The good thing, which you stated, this didn't happen as the chicks were hatching.  She will carry on and delight all who's watching her hunt for food.   Let's all hope Miss E gets the best next season...she deserves it!

bev, I can't imagine how hard it was to watch her looking for her mate.  I'm very glad you were able to get the biologists to take the eggs and that 2 will be saved.  That's the best outcome possible from a bad situation.


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