Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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--- Quote from: bev. on May 14, 2010, 19:56 ---Canoodling at Weber tonight :-* :-*

--- End quote ---

Woohoo!!  Congrats Auntie Bev!!    ;)

Canoodling at Weber tonight :-* :-*

Somewhat similar but location much lower and there could be severe interference.

Bu the building box is on is good but I do not know where they will fledge to. will have to ask Gord that.


--- Quote from: bev. on May 13, 2010, 23:09 ---the builidng is not user friendly for the falcons and we ere not allowed to put nest box there, so first storm and eggs would get drowned or chicks.

--- End quote ---

So it's like the situation in our east side nest ledge (even though it has been improved somewhat)-no wonder it's "forbidden"

Bev, so happy that you and Gord were able to facilitate getting a nest box for Miss Edmonton! 

Male - check
Nestbox - check

Let the nesting season begin!!  Here is hoping Miss E is a mom this year!!


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