Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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Hope the little Red Deer male isn't injured badly Bev.  Great idea to place him with a falconer so he can learn his survival skills before he has to migrate..poor little guy, he's had a tough summer. :-\

I am going to be posting photos in the next few days. sorry so slate but a lot happening here.

the weber male is doing well but comes low to ground when carrying prey. I think becasue mom has him chase after the whole gull and he is yo9ung still, and it is heavy. So we are keeping an eye on that.

Last Thursday, Red deer male came to the ground. I did not post as I was waiting to hear prognosis. I was not there at time. I cannot be there 24 hours. However someone did find him and rehab phoned Gord. On Monday Gord was waiting for the X-ray results. Gord was hoping that if everything was O.K. he would place him with a falconer for flight training and hunting skills. Externally he looked O.K. but they were x-raying his shoulder to be sure.
I was just sick as everything was going well. I felt bad I was not there . At least we would know what happened. It was very smokey here on Thursday and Friday becasue of fires in B.C. When I was there you could hardly see across the street, so I am thinking ,it threw him off, as he was flying well. Poor guy. We are pray8ing that he can go with a falconer. I will let you know as soon as I know.

Pictures coming.

I will have updates and photos in next few days. We have been doing a lot of monitoring here and things have settled down a bit and both kids seem to be doing well.

I can't wait either....all around good news!  Thanks for the updates Bev!   ;D

Will be waiting for your updates on this situation.......good wishes all around ;D


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