Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Edmonton - Weber Centre - 2009-18

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I'm so glad that your downtown female has finally been located, bev. :D And with 4 eggs/2 chicks, no less! :-*

Great news!!  Glad she was found and with little ones too!

Downtown female

I jsut received and e-mail  from Gord and downtown female E4 has been located. I have just written back for permission to tell you the story and share pictures.

she is exactly where I showed Peter on MOnday night. the building is similar to the building the peregrines roost at in Ottawa , so when i got the e-mail I chuckled to myself. Peregrines are so different ,yet so much alike. Peter and were goint ot go walking around there on the weekend adn may still do that , but i am tickled pink. She has 4 eggs and 2 chicks so far.

he may put them in an article.


--- Quote from: bev. on June 01, 2011, 12:20 ---...My time is more limited this year with new doggies and new grandbaby.  ::) ::)(love both immensely)
--- End quote ---

As it should be, bev. ;) Enjoy them both. :-*


--- Quote from: Kinderchick on May 29, 2011, 10:48 ---Thanks, bev. :-* Yes, you had posted it on the Genesee board but I couldn't remember where. :-[ I had not realized that you were talking about 2 different transmitter birds. Sometimes hard to keep it all straight. :-[

--- End quote ---

I bolded what I am replying to.

I thought it was just me having a hard time keeping things straight. Monitoring 4 sites is hard work.

There will be a web cam here this year. they are testing it out this week.

Peter and I were down there on Monday night for 3.5 hours. You have to stay long sometimes to see what you want to see. I was making sure we still had 2 falocns. And we do. things are looking good . did I mention that she is sitting on 4 eggs??/

My time is more limited this year with new doggies and new grandbaby.  ::) ::)(love both immensely)


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