Allison, was just checking the database and there is no reference to the identity of the parents of Cirrus, are you sure of those identities? I like to make notes in my records when info is missing from the database ....
Yes, TPC, I am sure of those identities. The database is good, but it is not complete. I am always trying to find IDs for partial band numbers, so I spend quite a bit of time in the database.
Mercury was born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, on 06/05/1990. His band was all black, 21X. He orginally nested at the Lazarus Building in Dayton with his mate, 66R; his next mate was Baltimore, 7/D. In 2002 he moved to the AT&T Building with his new mate Snowball. Snowball was born in 2000 at the Bohn Building nest in Cleveland. Her band was black/green, 3/*B.
Cirrus is a beauty: