Author Topic: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009-13  (Read 24489 times)

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Offline gran2496

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ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2013 / Mackenzie & Cirrus
« Reply #77 on: May 29, 2013, 17:55 »

The chicks from the Burlington Bridge were banded today.  One of them was named Hadfield after our Astronaut Chris Hadfield.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2012 / Mackenzie & Cirrus
« Reply #76 on: February 20, 2012, 23:20 »
Susha, I was wondering too if they might come back early this year.  We can hope!

Mackenzie & Cirrus like it seems most eastern Canadian and US birds aren't migrating much if at all these days.  These two have been spotted near the nestsite in every month since they hooked up after the breeding season.

Offline Liz

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2012 / Mackenzie & Cirrus
« Reply #75 on: February 20, 2012, 18:21 »
Susha, I was wondering too if they might come back early this year.  We can hope!

Offline susha

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2012 / Mackenzie & Cirrus
« Reply #74 on: February 18, 2012, 21:37 »
With all the warm weather we've been having, and a mostly non-existent winter, maybe everyone will get started early this year... ;)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2012 / Mackenzie & Cirrus
« Reply #73 on: February 18, 2012, 18:10 »

Mackenzie took over from Sir Adam Beck last year and he and Cirrus have been around the nestsite all winter.  They are in nest-making mode at the moment but don't believe they will be settling down to actually nest for another month ... will be interesting to see.

Offline bccs

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Another update from Loriann

We Have Two Very Big Girls
May 31, 2011 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
Today was banding day. Anne Yagi, Biologist with the Ministry of Natural Resources performed the banding . The statistics are as follows:
Lady Lamont - Weighing in at a whopping 1063 grams - Black band 41/X and she will be wearing a red band on her right leg
Lady Nelson - A little smaller at 988 grams - Black band 42/X and she will be wearing a yellow band on her right leg
There were 2 unhatched eggs in the box, which were retrieved for testing.
Now the fun begins. Given their size and estimated age of 26/27 days, the official Fledge Watch will begin in approximately 10 days (June 10th)
Photos will follow.

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2010 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #70 on: August 19, 2010, 20:07 »
... Sooo, how happily surprised was I, when I met a friend of my sister last night (at Shakespeare in High Park- ;D) who has had a couple of encounters of some phanatics at the Burlington site.  She greatly enjoyed meeting these folks (didn't have any names, but there was a photographer and his wife -  :o wasn't Dennis - just had to ask) and she had pics of the nest site to share.  We only had a few minutes to chat before and after the show, but it was great to find someone who is beginning to feel the spark of phanaticism! :)

It is very exciting, isn't it, susha?! :D So happy to hear that you are still able to remain connected to peregrine falcons and the Forum while away on holidays! 8)

Offline susha

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2010 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #69 on: August 19, 2010, 11:25 »
Daughter and I are visiting family and friends in Toronto.  I decided before coming here that it was unlikely we'd have the time to try to find some falcon connections on this trip.  Everybody's fledged anyway and getting around this expansive city is a challenge.  (Brought binocs just in case, but very inexperienced still, so thought that Peregrine viewing would not be on the agenda).  Sooo, how happily surprised was I, when I met a friend of my sister last night (at Shakespeare in High Park- ;D) who has had a couple of encounters of some phanatics at the Burlington site.  She greatly enjoyed meeting these folks (didn't have any names, but there was a photographer and his wife -  :o wasn't Dennis - just had to ask) and she had pics of the nest site to share.  We only had a few minutes to chat before and after the show, but it was great to find someone who is beginning to feel the spark of phanaticism! :)

Offline carly

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Two Beautiful Days at the Lift Bridge
May 24, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
Sue McCreadie Reports:

Bill and I spent a few good hours at the Lift Bridge yesterday (May 23rd) and today (May 24th).  Yesterday, around 2:00 pm, we witnessed Mom pluck a pigeon out of the sky.  She took it to a concrete ledge under a light standard on the bay side of the Skyway Bridge to prepare it for the little ones.  Today, she went to the same area and picked up an already prepared meal and returned to feed the little ones.

We had a third Adult Peregrine in the area today.  All of a sudden we heard a lot of vocalizing and knew that something was about.  Both birds took off after the intruder.  Mom returned a short time later but Dad was missing for quite a while, but eventually returned after making certain the intruder did not return.

With scopes and camera, we have been trying to see band numbers and today, after much deliberation, we are almost certain that the adults have not changed from last year.  We have Dad, Sir Adam Beck born in 2006 at the King Street nest in Toronto and Mom, Cirrus born in 2006 in Dayton Ohio.

Here’s hoping for a successful season.

Offline Alison

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At least one chick at Burlington, maybe two:

!!! Hatch Confirmed!!
May 08, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge
CPF Postmaster Reports:

Based on the good news that we have received, we can confirm without any doubt that there has been a hatch of the first hatchling on or about May 8th.
Congratulations Burlington!

May 14, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Sue McCreadie Reports:
Paul Reynolds reports:

Just thought I should let you know that my fishing buddy Andrew, saw Mom standing on the nest ledge with two little white heads sticking up.   So, it looks as if we are on the way with the little ones.  Let’s hope for a successful year.

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2010 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #66 on: April 22, 2010, 12:54 »
How cool that these young PF's are already setting up house. I hope they have many breeding years ahead. I love hearing where these youngsters end up. Thank you for sharing this.

Offline bev.

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2010 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #65 on: April 22, 2010, 12:22 »
Always nice to hear fledglings  have made it to adult hood and are breeding :-* :-*

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2010 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #64 on: April 22, 2010, 10:47 »
2008 Nebesny has been spotted in Mich. USA with a mate!
April 22, 2010 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

CPF Postmaster Reports:
We have received some great news this morning from Barb at the Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division down in MIch. USA that a new female has arrived on site and setting up a territory with a 2009 male (produced in Cleveland Ohio) just north of Detroit Mich.  We have been able to identify and confirm her identity by her Black Canadian Colour marker bands and can confirm that she is non-other then “Nebesny”, a female produced in 2008 at the Burlington Bridge nest site. Banded Black 29 over Black X on July 12th 2008, weighing 907 grams – (empty crop), at approx. 29 days old.

Her mate has been identified by his band number as being hatched in 2009, named “Zeus” , dawning a Black 73 over Red B band produced in Cleveland Ohio USA.  We are all delighted to hear this good news and hope that Nebesny and Zeus are successful in their efforts.

Offline Loriann

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ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2010 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2010, 14:00 »

The link below will take you to some video that Carol from Rochester took of Cirrus trying to retrieve her Pigeon from the lake.  Great shot Carol.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2010, 14:15 by Loriann »

Offline bccs

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #62 on: November 21, 2009, 13:15 »
Fantastic for both of you, take tons of pictures ;D

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #61 on: November 21, 2009, 12:26 »
carly we're going to go in the spring and you are welcome to come too............  I can pick you up if you like.

Really?  That would be awesome Lori!

Offline Loriann

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #60 on: November 21, 2009, 10:20 »
carly we're going to go in the spring and you are welcome to come too............  I can pick you up if you like.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #59 on: November 21, 2009, 06:53 »
Thanks for the photos Alison.  I'm going to go visit him soon as I can convince a friend with a vehicle to take me!  Times like this I kick myself for never having learned to drive!

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #58 on: November 20, 2009, 23:54 »
An update on Pittsburgh Pete from the CPF site:

Bill and I visited Mountsberg Raptor Centre today to photograph Pittsburgh Pete.  We are happy to report that as he cannot be released into the wild we felt he is in a good place.  He is being well cared for and was sunning himself on a perch in the enclosed ring.  Amy from Mountsberg reports that he is settling in quite nicely, but still has a little way to go to be totally comfortable around people.   As far as she can tell, he has not had a seizure since September.  Below are a couple of photos from our visit.  Amy told us today that he has a distinct scar from his injury and that his crop fills to the side not to the front as normal.


Offline allikat

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2009, 21:27 »
Thanks for the info Alison...He is certainly a very handsome tiercel!  I do hope he gets better and adapts to his new surroundings.  I know that these raptors belong in the wild flying high above all the rest at their best, but unfortunately for this one, he is grounded.  Sometimes, I'm not even sure what's best for a falcon is this situation as their instincts are to fly, establish a territory, defend their territory, mate, raise chicks to keep the genetic pool going.....sigh. 

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2009, 20:45 »
It is sad that Pete cannot be released, but it is good that he has found a permanent home where he is welcome. Perhaps with time his seizures will diminish. Many seizures can be controlled with medication such as Diazepam (Valium). It also depends on what type of seizures he has: mild seizures involve a temporary disorientation, ataxia and inability to perch; more serious seizures can involve unconsciousness, vocalizing, wing flapping and paddling. There are also partial seizures, which are usually indicated by a head twitch, or a twitch of an extremity.

I think in Pete's case it is likely that some type of head trauma caused his seizures. Or perhaps heavy metal toxicity, particularly lead or zinc, although X-rays would have shown any heavy metal particles. Pesticides and organophosphates are another possible cause in peregrines, and hypoglycemia is another cause in raptors in particular.

Pete is a very handsome tiercel. I hope everything will work out well for him in his new home.

Photos of Pete from the Mountsberg Raptor Centre blog.


Offline allikat

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2009, 20:49 »
How intriguing..I can't wait for more info!!! 

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2009, 10:44 »
That is amazing. To think that that kind of research is being done. Were these birds being raised for hunting purposes or is there some other reason they would have been in Dubai?

UAE does alot of very cutting edge veterinary research on/with peregrines and other raptors.  And they publish their research which is great.  There were a couple of other ones I found recently that I should post here ... will see if I can find them in the next little while ...

* writes note on post-it and looks around for a place to post it, a place that doesn't already have a peregrine project post-it ... *

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #53 on: November 05, 2009, 16:41 »
That was a great article and link TPC, thank you so much.  I'm going to go through the various issues and educate myself a bit!

Offline bcbird

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2009, 14:48 »
I gather from the article it was a breeding facility to train hunting falcons.

Anyway, I guess none of those conditions really applies to Pete!

Offline sami

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2009, 22:28 »
That is amazing. To think that that kind of research is being done. Were these birds being raised for hunting purposes or is there some other reason they would have been in Dubai?

Offline bcbird

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2009, 21:07 »
check out this issue of the Falco ( - on page 10 there is an article entitled: Case Study: Episodic Epileptiform Seizures in Peregrine Falcons in Dubai, UAE

This is a very fascinating article, the amount of investigation and treatment described was astonishing!  The long conclusive sentence seems to boil down to... if you are a hormonally challenged peregrine, with low vitamin D levels, while in a pen lit with an old fashioned neon bulb, (which is like a strobe light to the falcon's highly developed visual system) you are at risk for seizures.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2009, 11:27 »
Could be a head injury or a blood clot - just like in people. And since people sometimes get seizures for no easily identifiable reason, I suppose birds could, too. I'm thinking of Trey and Princess' chick that had a neurological disorder and tumbled out of the nest a couple of years ago.

Taku's cerebral damage was more severe in that at the time of her death, 1/2 of her brain was actually necrotic - that's what damaged her balance centre (hence the fall) and her lack of muscle strength/coordination (contributed to fall).  For Pete, check out this issue of the Falco ( - on page 10 there is an article entitled: Case Study: Episodic Epileptiform Seizures in Peregrine Falcons in Dubai, UAE .  One possible explanation, especially since he was recovering from a major injury and his immunity would have been impaired.

Food for thought at least ...

Offline sami

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2009, 10:45 »
Could be a head injury or a blood clot - just like in people. And since people sometimes get seizures for no easily identifiable reason, I suppose birds could, too. I'm thinking of Trey and Princess' chick that had a neurological disorder and tumbled out of the nest a couple of years ago.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #47 on: November 04, 2009, 05:08 »
Not sure allikat, he was involved in a nasty territorial fight that summer duriing which he was badly wounded and unable to hunt for awhile.  His mate actually stepped in and drove off the other male, otherwise he probably would not have made it.  She then fed both Pete and their young until he was back on his feet so to speak.  Watchers could see he was flying lower than normal but was expected after that chest wound - you could see it in the photos at the time but he seemed to recover.  When he was found months later - no one knew why, did he fight again?  Or did he fly into something?   I did read up a bit last night and it is possible that a cranial blow will cause a lesion inside their brain which can cause seizures.  I will keep reading to find out more, it was quite interesting.

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #46 on: November 03, 2009, 20:40 »
Great story about this young male...I was so touched when I read about his mate bringing him food!  Only 3 1/2 years old and he has seizures...I wonder why?  I know that these raptors are meant to fly in the skies and show off their flying skills and speeds and this is fun for them, but at least he's alive and well.  Hope that vets can figure out a way to help out with his seizures.

He is one handsome falcon!!! 

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2009, 19:50 »
Great minds think alike Lori, that thought crossed my mind too.  I would like to go see him sometime.  I don't drive but I have friends that could take me.

I wonder if the seizure thing is from when he was hit and it damaged his nerves somehow?   I am no scientist but it would be interesting to know if they do any kind of testing or medical research into that type of thing on birds as they do in humans?  I will have to look that up.

Edit to add: Wow apparently they do, just did a search on it and got thousands of hits!  Lots to read up on!
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 19:55 by carly »

Offline Loriann

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #44 on: November 03, 2009, 19:30 »
we could go visit him Carly... this park/raptor centre is only about 40 minutes from us.......  last time i went they were re-habbing a snowy owl and i was just struck by the sheer size of him and how gorgeous he was.  we went here when i was iin school.  amazing place, gorgeous parks and an amazing nature trail.

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #43 on: November 03, 2009, 18:56 »
I know, poor little guy.  Hard to believe he's only 3.5 years old, his life of freedom was so short but at least he had a chance to raise one family. 

I wonder if they will ever find out what causes seizures in birds and perhaps find a way to treat it - then perhaps he and others could be freed someday.

Offline sami

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #42 on: November 03, 2009, 16:56 »
Good for him! It's nice to know he will be looked after from here on - he certainly hasn't had the best time of it so far.

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2009, 09:03 »
Well Great Horned are certainly considered predators of peregrines, not so much as a food though, not enough peregrines for that.  Competition certainly.

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #39 on: September 09, 2009, 06:44 »
I suppose because they like to eat my peregrines - I never look at them as raptors... :(  But I guess that's what the cages are for  :P

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2009, 02:55 »
As for the residential male, all I know is that he was taken to an 'Owl' centre.  We don't have a 'raptor' rehabilitation centre here I was told.  Not one that specializes in them anyway so they tend to get sent somewhere else to be cared for. 

Owls are raptors too so don't fret much ... and I think I know which "owl" centre you are talking of - if that is the one, you don't have much to fear, they are very very good at their jobs!

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #37 on: September 05, 2009, 06:59 »
I wonder why they haven't posted it then and I hope they let the people down there know - if indeed it was him.  

As for the residential male, all I know is that he was taken to an 'Owl' centre.  We don't have a 'raptor' rehabilitation centre here I was told.  Not one that specializes in them anyway so they tend to get sent somewhere else to be cared for.  

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2009, 19:17 »
Perry from Toledo

I was just going through posts on the Rochester board, and found this post from Frank Butson on August 21.

Re: Tornadoes reported across southern Ontario 08-20-2009

I just spoke with Mark Nash the Canadian Peregrine Foundation boss(well his wife  lets him think so at least) and we have had one badly injured Peregrine which  MNR has told us of. We are trying to find out its identity it is black over  green c over 51. From what I can ascertain,he could be a bird from Toledo  Ohio,from 2007 named Perry from the Commodore Perry Motor Inn.If anyone knows  for sure if their birds were black/green let me know. Im abit unclear on that.  Our barns where we keep our educational birds at Kortright Centre at the  Canadian Peregrine Foundation Raptor Centre,is very near the area that was badly  hit by the tornados. Fortunately,Tracy Simpson,our 'Raptor Mom" was there  through the whole event. She was well prepared to evacuate the birds,but it was  not necessary. All birds were moved to outdoor pens,incase the roof of the  indoor area was torn off,our fear was the birds would get sucked up with it.  Tracy said the roof "breathed abit" but it held strong,so thankfully all of our birds,the barns and oh ya Tracy are fine.

This is the band number I had mentioned yesterday, so this is indeed Perry from the Commodore Perry Inn, born 2007.  :'(

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2009, 20:10 »
No they haven't published the news on Perry that I know of, Frank told me.  It was the MNR that picked him up and they don't give much away - we still can't find out how the residential male is doing either.   Had it been CPF they would have posted it.  Sorry Alison, I will try to find out for you. 

Angel's talon seemed okay today from what I could see. 

Thanks, Carly. I'd really like to know what happened to Perry. Do we know where the residential male is - is he at a clinic or a rehab centre? If so, we could always call them and ask how he is doing.

It does sound as if Angel has an injury to her talon. I'm glad she seems to be doing better. The falcons shouldn't have to put up with planes flying so close to their nest.

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2009, 18:08 »
No they haven't published the news on Perry that I know of, Frank told me.  It was the MNR that picked him up and they don't give much away - we still can't find out how the residential male is doing either.   Had it been CPF they would have posted it.  Sorry Alison, I will try to find out for you. 

And yes I think it was Jack I saw..unfortunately I couldnt see if he had bands or not, both of them had their backs to me and their heads were going back and forth as the jets went by.  I have never seen adult falcons afraid before. 

You honestly had to have heard and seen the planes ...they came right over the nest ... people were actually calling our security department because they didn't announce this was happening and as you can imagine..jets racing towards a high rise post 9/11 and everyone's imagination went wild.  Everyone in the building stopped working and either ran to the windows or outside.  These are fighter jets they put on a show with at the exhibition here this weekend.  They sound like rockets and they fly awfully fast so naturally the noise is insane - you can't hear yourself think when they go overhead.  The pigeons and blackbirds were going insane - they were so upset, they started flying in circles up and down.  It was quite surreal.  They apparently are going to 'practice' again tomorrow so I'll be out monitoring the falcons again. 

Angel's talon seemed okay today from what I could see.  I wonder if when she was diving bombing that huge bird that seemed immovable last week if she might have bruised herself.  During fledge watch this year we noticed that she actually had trouble landing and slipped on the glass on the building which is not like her at all...  That weird landing I saw the other day was only the second time I've ever seen her have any issues with a landing so I'm keeping an eye on her.  It may be nothing...I'm assuming birds have off days as well.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2009, 18:13 by carly »

Offline Alison

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2009, 16:35 »
You're right but I heard through the grapevine that he didn't look right and they were hoping he'd come to ground so they could have a look at him so I made an assumption. 

In other news a young 2 year old male named Perry from Toledo that was found severely injured after the tornadoes here has had to be put down - his injuries were too severe apparently.

Our resident male Jack is also MIA since the storms, he has not been seen here nor at the residential site. 

Angel seems to be having a problem with one of her talons I've noticed, I'm not sure if she injured it or not but she is having a balance problem.  Hasn't stopped her hunting though so hopefully it will pass. 

I do hope Truss will turn up somewhere - I wonder what the possible problem might have been.

Carly, do you have more info on Perry from Toledo? I think this would be Perry from the Commodore Perry Motor Inn, band C/51. Haven't seen anything about this - is there a link or a source? Where was he found?

Any updates on Angel's injured talon? I hope she is okay.

It seems that Jack is back. Part of today's update on the CPF site:

. . . And then I went around the back of the building and saw 2 peregrine falcons on the same ledge about a wing span apart.  My first thought was wow..Elena flies fast but quickly realized that one of those falcons was alot bigger than the other and both were black and white and not brown!  Both heads were swiveling back and forth and both were facing inwards towards the wall.  Interestingly there are workmen on the condo next door and normally Angel would at least be kacking to let them know she’s not impressed however no one is even moving from the ledge right now.  I watched them for a good 15 minutes and I’m pretty sure one was our resident male unless mom has something she’d like to share with me!

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2009, 06:46 »
You're right but I heard through the grapevine that he didn't look right and they were hoping he'd come to ground so they could have a look at him so I made an assumption. 

In other news a young 2 year old male named Perry from Toledo that was found severely injured after the tornadoes here has had to be put down - his injuries were too severe apparently.

Our resident male Jack is also MIA since the storms, he has not been seen here nor at the residential site.  He did take a vacation last year in the Fall so I am still hopeful he will turn up.  Elena has taken over his perch and mom seems very tolerant of her sticking around and helping her defend the zone.  Angel seems to be having a problem with one of her talons I've noticed, I'm not sure if she injured it or not but she is having a balance problem.  Hasn't stopped her hunting though so hopefully it will pass. 

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2009, 14:35 »
Very touching and sad post about the Burlington Nesting season just went up - looks like all 3 juveniles were lost this year  :'( :'( and a recap of the lost adults. 

I'm not sure you should assume that all three chicks were lost Carly, Truss was last seen a month after she fledged, we almost never see all our chicks after the first month so assuming she's dead may be a wee bit premature ...  and there was no mention of fatalities among the resident pair in the linked update, so with luck they will be back next year with a bit more experience.  Not that experience would have saved Berl if she went into the river - other than changing nestsites that is.  As for Maple, Frounce isn't something you can prevent, it happens or it doesn't happen.  Perhaps with a bit more experience they will be more selective about the prey they take but if I recall (and I could be wrong), some experienced parents haven't been able to avoid Frounce recently either ...
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 14:39 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline carly

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #30 on: August 25, 2009, 07:56 »
Finally!  An update on Pittsburgh Pete from Kate St John.  Unfortunately he will not be released to the wild again so whoever they saw here during the Spring disputes was not our Pete.  See details here:

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Re: ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2009, 16:21 »
Very touching and sad post about the Burlington Nesting season just went up - looks like all 3 juveniles were lost this year  :'( :'( and a recap of the lost adults.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Falcon watchers mourn lift bridge chicks  (July 2009)

Peregrine falcon watchers are in mourning after losing two chicks from the troubled Burlington Lift Bridge nest.  Two weeks ago, Maple, a female chick, died after eating a contaminated pigeon. Her death came weeks after another chick, Burl, disappeared during her first flight.

"It's heartbreaking," said Sue McCreadie, who monitored the nest from dawn to dusk. "It was really hard to watch."

Though she's pleased the one remaining chick, Truss, is doing well, McCreadie said the deaths have been difficult for volunteers who had hoped for a successful year.

For nearly a decade, the nest on the lift bridge failed to produce any chicks because it offers poor protection to the fragile eggs. There were only two hatchings in eight years, but no chicks survived.  Two years ago a nest box was installed. The falcons adopted the new home last year, successfully producing four chicks.  

A new breeding pair moved in this year -- the female killed her predecessor -- and volunteers hoped for similar results after seeing three white heads.  But Burl disappeared and was presumed dead. Observers then noticed problems with Maple, who made no sound when trying to vocalize. A couple of days later she struggled to fly, landing on parked cars until she was caught.  Though immediately rushed to an avian vet, she died shortly after.

Mark Nash, executive director of the Canadian Peregrine Foundation, said it appears Maple had a disease commonly known as frounce. The condition, which comes from contaminated food, frequently kills young raptors.

"It hits pretty hard for even some of the veterans," he said.  But Nash added the deaths aren't unexpected. There are 16 urban nests and an average of 1.67 chicks will die at each site.

That the Burlington site has started to produce any chicks at all is a major success, he notes.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 23:38 by The Peregrine Chick »

Offline Alison

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There is an article on the Burlington chicks in the Hamilton Spectator:

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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What a devastating disease! Has there been any of this disease present in our Manitoba peregrines in the last number of years, TPC? 

I haven't had time to go through all the records, but in all the years I've been working on the project I don't remember it every being mentionned/diagnosed/suspected ...

Offline Kinderchick

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Very sad news about Maple! :'( Thanks for the link with the info on Frounce/Tric, carly. What a devastating disease! Has there been any of this disease present in our Manitoba peregrines in the last number of years, TPC?

Offline allikat

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Makes me wonder if there is a connection between the damper, cooler weather ... even though the peregrines get it from the food they eat, it has to be "percolating" somewhere ...

Great comment TPC....maybe it is "percolating" somewhere.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Makes me wonder if there is a connection between the damper, cooler weather ... even though the peregrines get it from the food they eat, it has to be "percolating" somewhere ...

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 :'( :'( :'( :'(  Fly free little one, aww she was so many deaths this year  :'(

Offline Alison

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Another death... :'(
I wonder what was wrong with Maple?  Another case of Trichomoniasis? 

I think that is probably the most likely cause, although it could be any type of crop infection, or even an impaction.

Offline allikat

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Another death... :'(
I wonder what was wrong with Maple?  Another case of Trichomoniasis? 

Offline birdcamfan

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That's sad. She really was a cutie.

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An update on Maple, one of the juvies, dated July 9:

Sue McCreadie Reports:

Bill arrived at the bridge around 8:30am and was greeted by Barry who was already on site.  Over the last couple of days, Barry had noticed that Maple did not appear well.  She had a very large crop and was refusing food from Cirrus.  You could see her trying to vocalize, but there was no sound.  The Bridge Workers advised them that Maple was sitting on top of the Control Tower.  After three attempts of walking and flopping her wings, she managed to get to the top of the bridge where she remained until approximately 3:00 pm.  We watched her and she appeared disheveled and slept most of the time.  She made a feeble flight and landed on the top rail of the bridge on the lake side and then again to the Burlington Tower.  She spotted Cirrus at the Play Pen and managed a flight to her with a difficult landing.  Cirrus shortly thereafter appeared with a meal which she took the bridge abutment above the boat parking lot.  Maple, tried to follow but could not gain the height she needed and came to the ground landing on a parked car of some fishermen.  An attempt was made to pick her up but she took off again, heading for the canal and this time landed on top of another vehicle that was parked by the canal.  This time the rescue was successful by John and Barry and Bill with the rescue box.  She was wrapped in a towel and immediately transported to the Toronto Wildlife Centre by Bruce Massey.  Bruce had arrived about 10 minutes before the whole melee started.  We are grateful that Bruce was on site so that we didn’t have to wait for him to get through Toronto QEW traffic.  We are anxiously waiting to hear about “our” girl.  Thanks to everyone who was involved in the rescue.  Boy, Falcon Watching can  ure be stressful.

There are no further updates on the CPF site, but I just found this on the Kodak board, also from Sue McCreadie:

Thanks so much for everyone's concern about "Dear Sweet Maple". Unfortunately, she did not survive. We haven't been informed of any of the details. All we have been told is that she died. It was very difficult for us to watch. We knew she was in trouble and there was absolutely nothing we could do until she came to the ground. We were hoping that we would get to her in time.

Poor little Maple. I wish they had been able to help her. :'(


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Yes, thanks carly.  Sorry - I was busy passing the info on to my nieces in Burlington and Hamilton, and for get to say thanks.  ;D
And allikat, it is a fabulous photo. :)

Offline allikat

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Great and exciting news!!!
And that is a stunning picture of Cirrus!  That should be used somewhere to promote the peregrine falcon! 
I love love love love love Trey and Princess, Jules and Ivy and other famous pairs of falcons...but that is a remarkable photo.

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Sue McCreadie Reports:

I’m happy to report that we have 3 healthy female chicks at the Lift Bridge.  The birds were banded by this morning by Anne Yagi from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) who reports that all birds are healthy, strong and that they were in good voice.  The birds are:

Berl weighing in at 941 grams – red band – 34/X - 31 days old

Maple – 890 grams – yellow band – 35/X - 26 days old

Truss – 935 grams – green band – 36/X - 30 days old

Offline birdcamfan

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What a beautiful picture of a beautiful falcon, it almost looks posed!

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Sometimes we are just pathetic at naming full nests of chicks ... Cirrus is the best name of the lot though!

Offline Alison

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Cirrus has three siblings. They are:

Cumulus, band black/green K/82
Nimbus, band black/green B/01
Stratus, band black/green B/02

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Allison, was just checking the database and there is no reference to the identity of the parents of Cirrus, are you sure of those identities?  I like to make notes in my records when info is missing from the database ....

Yes, TPC, I am sure of those identities. The database is good, but it is not complete. I am always trying to find IDs for partial band numbers, so I spend quite a bit of time in the database.

Mercury was born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, on 06/05/1990. His band was all black, 21X. He orginally nested at the Lazarus Building in Dayton with his mate, 66R; his next mate was Baltimore, 7/D. In 2002 he moved to the AT&T Building with his new mate Snowball. Snowball was born in 2000 at the Bohn Building nest in Cleveland. Her band was black/green, 3/*B.

Cirrus is a beauty:

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Allison, was just checking the database and there is no reference to the identity of the parents of Cirrus, are you sure of those identities?  I like to make notes in my records when info is missing from the database ....

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Thanks CArly. They did have quite the spring down there. I am glad there are 3 hatches.
I remember the year Snowball disappeared, Allison. . It was the same year S2 took over in the Netherlands. A lot of upsets that year. but both males , de  Mortel and Mercury , were fathers of the year. I almost quit watchng the cams that year. the eagle world and the falcon world were delivered many blows.

but I then realized that the more cams you watch the more chance you have at seeing the downsides.

Have a great viewing day everyone :) :)

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Apparentely they do have 3 hatches here.  I think there was alot of confusion during the territorial battles and I've noticed some of the earlier posts have vanished.  I think what may have happened is that they posted the updates from Port Colbourne under Burlington Lift Bridge by accident a few times and as there were battles going on at both places and both sites have new couples..well things got crazy!!!.  That's how I got confused too just reading  ;D


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Thank you Alison for the background on Cirrus, obviously her papa brought her up very well!  I've made up my own ending for Mercury after reading your story. 

After losing his beloved snowball and expending so much energy raising their children, Mercury thought to I really want to do this all over again at my age?  Maybe I will go south this year and find myself a nice place somewhere in the tropics where I can roost just like snowball and I had talked about doing someday when the kids were grown, where the food is plentiful and the view of the ocean is peaceful and where I can fly free  ;)

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Ah, the Burlington Bridge.  I took drivng lessons in the winter, and one thing we did repeatedly was drive over that icy, wet bridge.  Good practice for Winnipeg winters!  I can see the structure being perfect for PFs, but never understand why they'd want to nest in a place with so much human traffic.  :) 

I hope all is okay with them. 

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With a huge thank you once again to Juanita, we have some history on the new adult female at the Burlington Bridge nest site..  Black K over Green 83 was hatched in Dayton Ohio USA in 2006 from a nest site on the At&T building.  Her name is Cirrus.

No information is given on her parents, but if she was hatched at the AT&T building in Dayton in 2006 her parents would have been Mercury, much loved Dayton patriarch, and his mate Snowball. We lost Snowball on May 19, 2007, when she and Mercury had three chicks in the nest ranging in age from 8-10 days. She was never found. Mercury, already seventeen years old, continued raising the three chicks on his own; they all fledged successfully. Sadly, Mercury did not return in 2008.

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do they think they will renest or is ti too late???
thanks Carly. I have been looking for info on this site.

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ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009 / Sir Adam Beck & Cirrus
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2009, 20:07 »
The new female has been identified by Mark Nash as an Ohio girl:

With a huge thank you once again to Juanita, we have some history on the new adult female at the Burlington Bridge nest site..  Black K over Green 83 was hatched in Dayton Ohio USA in 2006 from a nest site on the At&T building.  Her name is Cirrus.

She is paired with one of our King St hatched males 'Sir Adam' which I mentioned under the King St topic.

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ON / Burlington - Lift Bridge - 2009-13
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2009, 06:39 »

And from the Burlington Lift Bridge site, home of Pittsburgh Pete - not sure if he was back there and wasn't even aware the rehabbers had released him but they are working on getting the males ID.  The female was killed however in a territorial dispute.

Yet another territorial dispute ending in mortality!
April 23, 2009 - Burlington - Lift Bridge

Mark Nash Reports:
Apologizes for the lack of recent updates on my behalf, but it has been a very busy spring in the field for us, (and an early one for some of the birds that caught us off guard).  There has been so much happening and so many territorial disputes between squabbling peregrines at many of the existing nests sites here in southern Ontario this year, it has been difficult to keep up with all that has happened -  (and the Burlington nest site has been no different). I don’t know where to begin, so the best I can do at this time with so much behind us is to start with my most recent news here at the Burlington nest site.. It all played out with the recovery of a dead adult female peregrine falcon found on territory last week.