Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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The Peregrine Chick:
All peregrine eggs are red - or rather red-brown.  The clarity on this camera and the bright (bright) sunlight are making them look redder than the actually are.  If you look at the feathers on the peregrine in the same light, they look turquoise, and while they may be a lovely shade of slate-grey in real life, they are never that "blue".

Thanks for finding this one, its a great image!

The Peregrine Chick:
Capital Power Coal-fired Power Generating Station
Genesee, Alberta

webcam: www.capitalpower.com/falcons
website:  www.capitalpower.com/responsibility/environment/perergrinefalcons/Pages/default.aspx

A bit of history from their website:
In March 2005, a remote camera was installed on a nest box donated by Alberta Fish and Wildlife on one of the stacks at Genesee Generating Station. The camera provides a unique opportunity to document the behaviour of Peregrine Falcons who have nested at the power plant since the early 1990’s. Footage of nesting peregrines offers some of the best documentation available on their behaviour and can play an important part in the preservation of this species.

Resident Pairs & Offspring

* info hopefully coming soon :)
Note about the 2010 pair - it is believed that neither was named but the female hatched in Calgary in 2005 and the male was caught as an adult in 2009 and banded.  Additionally, both birds were fitted with satellite transmitters in 2009 (check out the website).  The male spent the winter in Venezuela, the female managed to extricate herself from her transmitter somewhere in Mexico and it was assumed/feared she had died until she turned up in Genesee the following spring.

Now I have to look up Genesee. Whre is this??

I did not know about this site. good catch Eli :) :)

Elaine L:
Lobi already kindly posted elsewhere the web site for the falcon nest at Genesse, Alberta, but I believe this is the place for it: 

The falcon just left the nest a few minutes ago - I have never seen red eggs before!


Whoever they are, there are 3 nice looking eggs in that nest!!


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