Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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The Peregrine Chick:
Thanks Elaine, will update the cam link information when the cam is actually up and running!

Elaine L:
I sent an e-mail to Genesse on March 16th asking them about the falcon cam there, and here is the reply I got on March 19th:

Hello Elaine,
Thanks for the note. We are presently servicing our equipment for the upcoming season and have video images to the website in early April.
The camera site will be linked from Capital Power's Website at http://www.capitalpower.com/Pages/default.aspx
George Greenhough

The Peregrine Chick:
But here are a few links y'all might be interested in ....

http://www.migrationresearch.org/peregrinetelemetry.pdf - this is from another Genesse project

The Peregrine Chick:
Don't give EPCOR/Capital Power too much grief based on their poor communication skills, there could be a couple of really simple explanations.  And no I'm not defending them - they promised, they should have put something up explaining what's up and where, even if its as simple as "we don't know".  The first could be that the birds are died early in the gam and there are no records to provide, lots of places don't publicize those kinds of deaths.  The second is that the birds are fine and transmitting but whoever the transmitters "belong" to has decided to, or hasn't had time to, provide updates.  There are (relatively speaking) lots of transmittered birds that we know nothing about - the birds are/have provided data that is not publicized.  Keep in mind, the transmitters are not webcams, they aren't attached for public information (I know you know that Carly, but just to make it clear to everyone reading this post  ;)) and scientists are VERY VERY difficult to pry data out of.  Love them dearly, love the work they do, don't so much love their death grip on data.  The first years of satellite data that went out (think 1990), we were all sworn to secrecy, no forwarding the emails outside the original group.  Now its a bit different, some are full-out public 24/7 real-time tracking, some are when folks have time, some are when the scientists feel comfortable sharing and have the technical ability to post the information.

I'll have a snoop around and see who I can whisper a question to ....

I wrote these guys a few emails and they never responded back.  On their web site they clearly stated they would have the tracking details of the two adults they put transmitters on so we could follow their migration - of course that never happened.  The linked the page back to U of A for reference and of course nothing was there either.  It was disappointing.

I know they are busy and they were sold during this endeavor but if you're going to publicly claim you are doing something then you should do it or at least post a note about why you can't...I'm just saying..  It would have been nice to see where the pair went and now it would be nice to track their journey back home.


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