Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Warburg - Genesee Plant - 2009-18

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Did they have eggs at the other nest? ???

they are bigger than what I thought.


Now hopefully the adults come after the threat is gone. It is still around




I am her with pictures.  these chicks are fostered in today and I will observe the rest of day to see if adults  accept them.  the quail if food for adults to feed.

The TR male was there briefly at 12:09 and the female was in there last night for a few seconds so they are around.  they will want to make sure it is safe so now I wait.

first few shots




--- Quote from: Elaine L on June 14, 2010, 14:19 ---Oh, I sure hope the adults are o.k. with this sudden family of three!  No sign of them yet, but I think it is very likely, from what I saw at Genesee last weekend, that they are very close by, and watching carefully to make sure the humans do not return.  If they accept the chicks, that would be thrilling!

--- End quote ---

Thanks Elaine, that is reassuring! 


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