Author Topic: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley  (Read 15862 times)

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2020, 10:32 »
Update on Alley

Update on Mama from Carri.
"Hey girl, spoke with Betsy today.  Our mama continues to recover but just seems to be lacking in overall strength.  Nowhere near what she needs to having a fighting chance for release.  Keeping fingers crossed that she bounces back."
I would like to thank Carri for keeping me updated and I also want to thank everyone involved at FFRR for the care they are giving to Mama.

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2020, 16:38 »
Update on Alley  :)

11-8-2020. Update on Mama from Carri...
She continues to eat well putting much needed weight back on. Her self healed leg injury obviously wasn’t an easy task. Many factors will need to be taken into consideration before a determination can be made regarding future release. For now she seems to be enjoying the R and R.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2020, 18:21 »
Following up on RCF's post re when Alley can be released.  I have no idea how bad the bumblefoot is on Alley, maybe just a bit, but it can be hard/slow to treat.  Bumblefoot is what Beatrix had (a very bad case of it) and which was ultimately the reason we lost her, not the fungus directly but because after a year, she had enough of being in care and was fighting her captivity and treatment and she had a long way to go.  That sounds all doom and gloom and I don't mean to be.  The rehabbers (who just rehab raptors) are quite optimistic and Alley sounds to be doing well in care which is excellent news.  Additionally, Alley and 19K don't migrate so when (if) she is released, she doesn't have to contend with migrating to Mexico, she likely will be returned to the State Capital and she can hunker down easily.

Thanks RCF for keeping an eye on the Nebraska Facebook page for us!

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #11 on: October 30, 2020, 07:02 »
Alley seems to be doing well so far!

10-29-20. Update on Mama from Carri...
"Good evening Mean Jean.  I heard from Brooke at the raptor center today.  Mama is doing great, eating well and getting some much needed rest.😉"
So I asked Carri if there was an estimated timeline on when Mama would be released and she replied...
 "Not that I have heard but we’ll hold onto her no longer than we have too.👍🏻"
As for now this is all I know, I will update again as soon as I hear anything else.

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2020, 19:20 »
Thank you!  :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2020, 19:02 »
Got an update from Alley's rehabbers.  She was seen by the vet today and healed fracture of one leg that has healed crooked but doesn't appear to be problematic. She does however have bumblefoot, a fungal foot infection on both feet which the vet is optimistic she can recover from and be re-released.  They will keep us in the loop on her recovery but it will be a waiting game.  I don't know how much infection there might be, but it can be slow to sort out, so she may be spending the winter in care. That's a question for a later date.  But might not be a bad thing, means she doesn't have to risk migration. 

Will keep everyone in the loop - more news as I get it.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2020, 17:43 »
Just to confirm what RCF posted, I have contacted Alley's rehab organization and now it is a waiting game until we hear more.  Could be that I will get an email or it could be that updates are posted on the Lincoln Peregrines' Facebook page.

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2020, 10:18 »
Thank you for the update on Alley -  I know she hadn't been seen for awhile and I did wonder if something had happened to her.  Glad to know she's being cared for.  :-*

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2020, 12:59 »
Good and Bad News!  :-\

Alley had been picked up near a highway a few days ago in Lincoln. This is the information on the Peregrine Falcons Lincoln Ne facebook page. I let Tracy know, she will probably let us know if she hears any more information about Alley.

FYI... I got a message from Carri tonight (10-13-20) that said this...
"Hey Jeanne, just keeping you in the loop.  I just heard from Elaine and Mama was picked up off the median on HWY 34 yesterday by volunteer Todd.  She is uninjured as far as we can tell but she is thin.  She spent the night with Elaine and was transported this morning to the raptor center at Elmwood by volunteer Brooke.  That’s all I know for now."
Carri will keep me updated and I will keep you all updated as well. Please do not try and call and check on her as that floods them with to many calls. Thank you!!!
Mama is is very good hands and will be taken well care of, and they will check her feet too which had been a concern as the right one has a black growth on it.
Thanks to all involved for the great efforts to get Mama the help she needs.
Thanks to Carri for letting us know.
UPDATE: Carri just let me know Mama wasted no time and chowed down on a quail

Mama update. 10-14-2020.
So far so good. She is eating good. No obvious injuries, they will watch her and let her get her bearings and continue to evaluate her. This is all I know for now.
Please be patient and wait for updates to be posted here as they will let me know when they have any news. Please do not try to call and check on her as this floods them with to many calls.
Thanks for your cooperation.

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2020, 15:23 »
I believe Alley and 19K have been there all year and not migrated. :)

Looks like 19K and Alley are back though can't be positive because the NE folks do like calling them Papa & Mama. 

Here's a link the Lincoln Peregrine Facebook page -

there are a lot of photos of the birds at the nestbox, they've been on-site all winter.

You are quite right RCF, they have been there all winter.  But given their ages (he's 19 and she's 16), I wasn't going to jump the gun on with they're going to nest until they were well and truly in lets-get-down-to-business mode ... and from some of the photos I've seen recently, they have to get points for commitment and follow-through!  Fingers crossed (knock on wood) they have no interlopers eyeing up their happy home this season.  Downside is that there likely won't be any chicks for them .... not unless Alley has a boyfriend on the side ....  :o

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2020, 18:10 »
I believe Alley and 19K have been there all year and not migrated. :)

Looks like 19K and Alley are back though can't be positive because the NE folks do like calling them Papa & Mama. 

Here's a link the Lincoln Peregrine Facebook page -

there are a lot of photos of the birds at the nestbox, they've been on-site all winter.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2020, 17:46 »
Looks like 19K and Alley are back though can't be positive because the NE folks do like calling them Papa & Mama. 

Here's a link the Lincoln Peregrine Facebook page -

there are a lot of photos of the birds at the nestbox, they've been on-site all winter.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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NE / Lincoln - 2020 / 19K & Alley
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2009, 17:23 »
State Capitol Building
Lincoln, Nebraska


webcam link:

Webcam project is funded from the Commission's Nebraska Wildlife Conservation Fund with assistance from the Office of the Capitol Commission, the State Building Division, the Nebraska State Patrol and the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services.

Because the resident female (Alley) is a Manitoba-hatched bird, nestsite observations from Lincoln have been moved to the Manitoba Peregrines board

photo by Katrina Wiese (used with permission under cc)

Resident Pairs & Offspring:
  • 2019 - 19K & Alley --> no offspring
  • 2018 - 19K & Alley --> no offspring
  • 2017 - 19K & Alley --> no offspring
  • 2016 - 19K & Alley --> Dinan
  • 2015 - 19K & Alley --> Orozco
  • 2014 - 19K & Alley --> 2 chicks died during major storm before band age
  • 2013 - 19K & Alley --> Meadowlark, Goldenrod & Cottonwood
  • 2012 - 19K & Alley --> Lewis & Clark
  • 2011 - 19K & Alley --> Lincoln
  • 2010 - 19K & Alley --> Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka (stars in Orion's belt)
  • 2009 - 19K & Alley --> Nemaha, Niobrara, Platte, Calamus (Nebraska place names)
  • 2008 - 19K & Alley --> 4 chicks lost not long after hatching
  • 2007 - 19K & Alley --> Notus, Boreas, Eurus & Zephyrus (wind deities)
  • 2006 - 19K & Alley --> Willa, Bess & Sterling (named after notable Nebraskans)
  • 2005 - 19K & Alley --> Pioneer
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 18:05 by The Peregrine Chick »