Author Topic: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams  (Read 33541 times)

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Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2011, 12:44 »
Oehoe (Eagle owl) has the one chick so far...

Was able to observe the Oehoe feeding her chick, a few minutes ago.  :D

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2011, 10:11 »
Oehoe (Eagle owl) has the one chick so far. The latest video clip shows her feeding the tiny chick which is noticeably larger. These chicks grow VERY quickly. At hatching, they are about 60 to 70 grams (2 ounces). In 10 days, about 200 grams, and by 3 weeks of age, almost 700 grams. The adult birds weigh about 1000-1500 grams depending on the gender. The website posts indicate that they are confident that there are more eggs. They had not expected the first egg to hatch so early.

In other news from this site, The Steenuil (Stone Owl) has not been able to access the nest box as a pigeon has taken up residency and nesting in the entrance passage. The same thing happened last year but the owl had already laid eggs and it was a constant battle to keep the young fed with the pigeon creating a hostile environment for the coming and going of the parent owls in their efforts to feed the female and later the young. The website states that there are other nestboxes on the property and that the stone owls are still around. They are unsure if they have nested elsewhere or will simply wait for the pigeon to complete her family and clear out of the nest.

The Ooievaar (storks) are brooding 4 eggs. The male stood on the closest webcam last week and it now points toward the ground. You can occasionally see a close up of his feet in this camera as he seems to like to sit here. The other cam gives an excellent view.

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2011, 22:43 »
Oops! You can tell I don't speak Dutch. It is the Oehoe not Ooievaar. Ooievaar is the stork. To tired to think...must go to bed.

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2011, 22:37 »
Ooievaar (Eagle owl) has had at least one of her eggs hatch. The most recent video shows the tiny chick moving in the nest. She was seen eating the shell of the egg. I haven't been able to determine how many eggs she has. It might not be known due to the position of the nest.

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2011, 04:09 »
Just to catch up on this site:

Steenuil: These tiny owls have been visiting the nest but no signs of an egg yet. They had their first egg in early April last year. Again like last year there are doves attempting to build a nest in the entrance of the nestbox. This was a constant source of agitation for the mother owl last year although she was able to defend the nest successfully.

Oehoe: The eagle owl is still brooding. The male brings her huge pieces of rabbit on a regular basis. Hopefully this means that there is lots of food for when the young are hatched.

Ooievaar: The storks have 3 large eggs. Brooding starts with the 2nd egg for this species and she may still produce more eggs, although the last to hatch sometimes do not survive as they are so much less advanced than the oldest and are less able to get in line for food.

Boerenzwaluw: The barn swallows are not yet back but the camera has gone live. Below the nest, you can see sheep and new baby lambs in the barn.

Boomklever:The nuthatches have prepared their nest but so far, no eggs.

Ijsvogel: The Kingfishers are at the nest frequently but no eggs yet. Clicking the links to the right of the camera view will give you a view of these colourful birds.

Purperreiger: The camera is now live but so far, I have not seen the Purple Herons and there are no posted clips. The camera is aimed out over a field. Lots of beautiful bird calls can be heard.

Offline Elaine L

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2011, 11:19 »
That owl (Oehoe) is a fierce character, and she does not miss a thing.  A couple of frogs came by her ledge, and she certainly did not take kindly to that.  She stood up to her full height and pounced, and she is very impressive when she is being protective.

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2011, 09:05 »
The Ooiervaar (storks) have been busily nest building and if you click on the link "Paarvorming", you will see a display of pair bonding and a brief intimate moment.

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2011, 20:57 »
If you want a translation, just Google "Dutch English translation". The Google translation is very good because you can cut and paste a rather lengthy passage for translation. Some of the other sites I have used restricted the length of the passage making the process frustrating. This site translates other languages too but does not translate Peregrine squawks so you'll just have to continue to use your imagination for those!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2011, 19:41 »
Thank you for the very informative commentary on this website and these webcams, bcf. :) Very interesting to watch these storks at night, with the night vision webcam. Seems as if there's a thunder & lightning storm going on there right now. Sure is noisy and windy! How I wish I could read Dutch, so that I could read some of the research info. ;)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 19:48 by Kinderchick »

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2011, 17:14 »
For those not familiar with this site, here is an update:

Steenuil (Stone owl): This webcam is up and running. There is an additional camera on the outside of the nest box this year. The pair appears to be the same as last year. Their gender is difficult to determine so the easiest way to tell who's there-the female has a leg ring and the male is unbanded. Both have been visiting the nest. All of the webcams have a list of videos on the right hand side that you can click to see the highlights. The first egg was at the beginning of April last year. The tiny chicks are truly ugly for a while and magically transform.

Oehoe (Eagle Owl): These are almost the largest owls in the world. Their call is haunting and resembles their Dutch name. This pair are believed to have 3 eggs. The female started brooding after the first egg which is said to be unusual. Only the female broods. There is not much to see except for the female who looks like a huge cat sitting on a cliff.

Oievaar (Stork): There is a night vision cam at this site. The adults stay in the nest quite a bit. They are adding to the nest and "fluffing it" These are a lot of fun to watch especially once mating begins. They have frequent er...conjugal visits including head posturing and bill clapping.

Boerenzaluw (Barn Swallow): Barn swallows are just beginning their migration from Africa. This web cam is not up quite yet.

Boomklever (Kingfisher): An nest cam has been added to this site. There have been some Kingfisher sightings and they are hoping for chicks this year.

Ijsvogel (Nuthatch): Two nuthatches are checking out the nest. It is hoped that they are able to raise young this year. There have been some recent changes to the surrounding area including removal of trees. This can affect the availability of food for the young.

Purperreiger (Purple Heron): This webcam is not yet up and running.

Slechtvalk (Peregrine Falcon): Pa and S2 are the presiding pair here. This cam is being websat by another member. This is a great nestbox, fun to watch.

For those of you who watched the Torenvalk (kestrels) and Kerkuil (barn owls) in previous years, these cams are no longer included on this site.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2011, 12:56 »
I love this website, with lots of cams! 8) Two storks sitting on their nest right now. Sure do hope the Slechtvalks return this season! :D

Offline Elaine L

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2011, 10:28 »
Most of the cameras at Beleef de Lente/Noord Brabant are up and running as of March 1, including Slechtvalk (Peregrine Falcons).  Oeho (the owl) is sitting on her nest right now, and Ooievaar (the stork) is preparing her nest.

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2011, 13:56 »
Okay, the De Mortel pair (Pa & S2) are now on the Noord Brabant website so if you want to post about the non-peregrine webcams on this site, please post them here.

If you want to post on the De Mortel peregrines, please post them on their thread.

If posts are inadvertently posted in the wrong place, no worries, I'll move them over.

Enjoy the birdies!

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2011, 23:21 »
With pleasure!

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Noord Brabant - 2011 / multiple cams
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2011, 12:36 »
Birdcam has offered to "web-sit" this website for us ... thanks BCF!