Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

Smiley Tower - 2009 / Terminator & Roosevelt

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GREAT NEWS!!!!!!! 3 chicks!

The Peregrine Chick:
Received this note from Wick in Fargo today ....

"The Fargo babies are older than expected, but otherwise doing fine.  I went up on the roof today for a quick look, primarily so we could finalize the banding arrangements.  Three healthy chicks.  Based on development, they appear to be about three weeks old.

This means the banding will have to be moved up.  I need to confirm this with BOTW, but we are shooting for this Friday at 11:00 AM.  Confirmation will follow.  I may also have a photo to share before long."

thanks TPC..

The Peregrine Chick:
I'll check with my contacts ... last I heard Terminator was hooked up with the brother of her mate from last year.  Last year was Bear, this year its Roosevelt.  There isn't a webcam on the nest, so they may have to wait to confirm eggs/nesting behaviour, etc.  Will post what I find out.

I haven't seen anything Alison...sorry!  I was hoping that we would hear something. 


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