We went down to the site to just check things out. Of course we cannot see what you see on the cam but..
We were driving up to the area from the Weber building and we saw an adult falcon soaring over the area to the west of the building. the traffic would not let Peter stop

We need a sign that says,
we stop for peregrine watching.
By the time we got to the alley behind the parkade , the adult was making its way over to the building. It swooped down by the side of the clinical science and we quickly went over to another parking lot where we could see everything.
There it was , on the back of the Heart building under the new helicopter pad. I am not sure who. I figured Radisson, at this time of night.
Took a couple of poor shots (someone has been playing with the camera

As it flew off behind I got out of the car and went toward the nest site. I knew it would now be sitting on heart building adjacent to nest box.
Those darn traffic lights take so long........
As I was walk-running, I saw another falcon coming out of box. I took aim and

camera was turned off. but it flew out and over to heart building. I sped up and another flew into nest box as I got there.
by the time I was in place ,one was heart building and one in nest box.
Now this was about 8:00pm so I figure mom went in and dad went out.
As I was going up to parkade ,I missed the one in box out on perch( Peter saw it on his way to the

but got a few more shots of one on heart building.
As Peter said, we need to iron out kinks now . I have no problem getting him to come any more. I think he is secretly just as enamored as I. And when I give him the camera, no problem what so ever

so far so good
click on picutres
on window washer thing on heart building(dad??)
RAdisson I think , flying to heart building
on helicopter pad