Thanks for posting these photos Alison. It does look as though she was on the losing end of a battle.
If she looks this bad and has returned to the nest, I wonder what has happened to her opponent. Are you able to locate a blog anywhere on this link?
I have not seen a blog on this site, gemcitygemini. What I posted were simply my own observations and a few of the photos of Barb after she was injured.
But today, there is not good news. When I was watching the site, I noticed immediately that there was a new female in the nest. Barb has been replaced.

I would think that this female is probably the one with whom Barb battled almost a week ago. I think the same intruder probably returned, and continued the battle. But with her injuries, I am not sure Barb would have been able to fight. I hope she is not injured somewhere and needing help. I don't see any contact information on the site to report this.
The new female is banded red/silver on the right leg, and black/green on the right.

Here she is with the male: