Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-20

<< < (12/23) > >>

I can't tell if this is Rhea Mae or Tiago:

One of the adults was at the Sheraton nest today. I thought at first they were both there, then I realized the other cam was stuck - the falcon didn't move.

I'm not sure, but I think this looks like Tiago:

ooh, I love the phrase "in a good hissy mood."

I've been there.   8)

I don't know why this thread is so far behind.

From the CPF site this evening:

First Rescue and Release

June 17, 2009 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre

Linda Woods Reports:

A Great Big THANK -YOU to the Sheraton Centre Hotel Pool Staff person  and Security Staff for assisting  in the recovery of ”Liberty”.

Liberty, confirmed by her leg bands, was found in the pool area on one of the chaise lounges without a towel.  Pool personal notified hotel security of this fashion faux pas. Security came to the rescue and safely secured the area and gently placed the 47day old female into the animal carrier.

Liberty took her first flight yesterday morning at 09:15 hours and appeared to be doing very well. Jan had good view of her as she took off and was very pleased of how well she flew.  Today, Harry, Jan, Marion and Bruce could only confirm that we had a count of three juvies throughout the day.

With the constant rain that moved into the area, it was difficult to see the juveniles on the tall structures and the watch was closed for the day. Three were confirmed in view at that time. Hopefully this will be the fourth.

On examination, by Bruce and myself, Liberty was found to be free of any signs of trauma and was in a good hissy mood.

She was returned to the nest ledge at around 22:00 hours and quickly settled in the dark.
Canadian Peregrine Foundation, and the dedicated group of peregrine followers from Rochester, New York ( who named Liberty ) would like to thank the hotel staff for the bird’s safe recovery.

Kudo’s for a job well done. Thanks. Thanks Bruce for coming all the way back to release her.

Carly....Carly......................Car ly!  Thank you, thank you , thank you!


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