Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

ON / Toronto - Sheraton Centre - 2008-20

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Just read this on the CPF site. What great news about Stormin! It's always a great moment when a juvie from the previous year is sighted.

Offspring from last year still in the city  :-* :D

!!! Stormin Spotted Not Far From Home
April 18, 2010 - Toronto - Sheraton Centre
Frank Butson Reports:
Thanks to an email from my friend Leslie Kinrys,I was alerted to a posting on the Tommy Thompson Park (Leslie Street Spit)banding station blog which reported seeing a banded Peregrine Falcon for most of one day perched in a tree,near their banding station. This sighting took place sometime between April 7th and April 13th.  The band number was clearly seen and photographed(a photo may be added later) which was black over black,30/Y. CPF was quickly able to provide the identity of this bird. The Peregrine was named Stormin,who was banded in Toronto at The Sheraton Centre  Hotel on May 28th 2009. It’s great to hear back about one of the Peregrines which CPF  helped band and is most rewarding for the volunteers who helped take care of the Peregrines during fledging time and the staff at the Sheraton Centre Hotel itself,who are such good stewards of their Peregrine family.

Linda Woods Reports:
Tiago and Rhea Mae now have 4 Eggs. The image is difficult to see for most of the day, except for those early birds that are up before the crack of dawn.  But, just by chance I clicked on the Toronto Sheraton Camera and finally , Luck, 4 eggs sitting in the tray. Now that’s enough Rhea Mae, start incubating!

3 eggs for Sheraton!

Linda Woods Reports:
An extended visit to the Sheraton nest ledge confirmed the band numbers of the adults, Black on Black, 29 over H, for Tiago and  Black on Red, P over T, for Rhea Mae.

And long after my camera battery gave out on the “stand-by” mode, Tiago finally moved off the eggs to reveal 3 eggs. Rhea Mae was quick to return to her time incubating. Tiago didn’t waste anytime leaving the nest ledge. Just like his dad.

Egg #2 at the Sheraton this morning, thanks to Beth for alerting me.  I've been so distracted my site that I forgot to check.


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