A little while ago, I was able to access this cam while the live stream was actually functioning. The three chicks were not being brooded, and Radisson seemed much more interested in picking gravel. Chase similarly ignored the chicks, who had no food in their crops and seemed very hungry.
Meanwhile, the fourth chick was part way through hatching, and was totally ignored by both parents. The chick finally hatched, and Chase, who was in the nest, stepped on the chick on his way out, leaving the chicks alone.
When Radisson returned, she had food and fed the three chicks, while ignoring the new hatchling. Chase came back and watched from outside the nest, and then went into the nest and deliberately stomped on the brand new chick, twice, before leaving again.
When Radisson returned after taking out the leftovers, she brooded the three chicks for a minute and left again. Chase came in once more and made a complete mess of attempting to brood the three older chicks.
Radisson came back again, and eventually settled with the chicks under her.
I thought these two were supposedly good parents. The way the tiny new chick has been treated, I think he has very little chance to survive.