Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2017 / Ty & Faith

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The Peregrine Chick:

The Peregrine Chick:

Oh dupre501, you are so lucky to be able to keep an eye on them and give us the details of the fledge.  Thanks so much! :-*

Trip to check out the birds started with finding Faith at the Tower and Ty at the Bleachers, about 8:30 pm. Then we spotted one of the chicks at a high point on the Diner. Then the next thing you know it's two chicks off to the Bleachers then one heads back to the Diner while another heads over to the Bleachers. Then another heads to the Bleachers. There were 3 chicks on the Bleachers at once, but we think we saw all of them fly. They looked good. 😁

Awesome photos Dupre!  8) ;D


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