Author Topic: Sighting - 2016 - Max (2008 McKenzie Seeds)  (Read 7286 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Max (2008 McKenzie Seeds) - 2016 Sighting
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2016, 10:18 »
Like the map Allison!

For those wondering why Max went east, the answer is that he probably went south - perhaps down through Florida like some of our birds do and then he came back north, perhaps keeping east because of spring storms - or perhaps he was coming back up the Mississippi Flyway and the storms pushed him east and because he didn't have a lady friend waiting for him, he went with the flow and has been checking out the east coast.  No way to know for sure when he decided to check out the TO area (this year or the year after he hatched) or if he has a lady friend (or friends) someplace without further reports.  Tis report season so who knows what me might learn as the information gets entered in the continental observations database!

More news and photos if there are any, later.

Offline Alison

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Re: Max (2008 McKenzie Seeds) - 2016 Sighting
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2016, 16:19 »
This is very exciting news, TPC! I am so happy that Max has been sighted and identified, especially after so many years. It would be great to see photos of him, if any should ever become available.

Max has travelled a long way; at least 2,410 km or 1,497 miles. I have read that males on average travel about 100 miles to find a nest site, while females on average travel about twice as far.

I hope there will be more sightings of Max. Perhaps he has a mate and a nest site in the Toronto area.

Thank you for the background information on Max. It is very interesting.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Max (2008 McKenzie Seeds) - 2016 Sighting
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2016, 02:18 »
Nope, not "another bird" Carly - the bird ID is Max.  And unless the person who posted on Facebook is the person was actually saw/reported the band they read, then that would explain why they didn't have any other details  ;D. Only the reporter gets a response from the Banding Office and then they notify me.  I contacted the reporter as well at the email address they provided to the Banding Office and gave them all the same details I posted below along with the link to Max's photo from when he was banded.

What would be great to find out is that someone knows where he's been and what he's been getting up to for some if not for all the time he's been gone - 8 years is a long time for nothing exciting to have happened in his life-would be very cool to hear that he has/has had at least one family over the years!!

Offline carly

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Re: Max (2008 McKenzie Seeds) - 2016 Sighting
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2016, 12:12 »
Woohooo..that's awesome!!  Someone posted a photo of another bird on Facebook and then a poster mentioned someone had ID"d a Manitoba bird and I replied asking 'does your friend have the ID and do you know who the bird is' and they never replied..  I was wondering if if might be one of yours!

This is so exciting!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 12:20 by carly »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Sighting - 2016 - Max (2008 McKenzie Seeds)
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2016, 13:11 »

Max (Maxwell) when he was banded in 2008

Just got a sighting report - Max from Holly & Zeus' 2008 nest at McKenzie Seeds beat the odds and survived his first year!  In fact, he's survived the first 8 years! He was spotted in Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto hunting shorebirds along the beach on September 18th of this year.  The observer managed to read his coloured band and reported it to the Bird Banding Lab who passed the information along to me.

Max was the only male in Zeus' & Holly's last nesting together.  Max had two female siblings that year - Chaos who is in Saskatoon and Gigi who we haven't heard anything about.  He has seven other full siblings - Hope, Terminator (Grand Forks), Darth Vader, Obi-Wan (Winnipeg but did not nest), Yoda, Donna (Saskatoon before Chaos) and Heather (crashed on fledging & went into care).  He has four half-siblings from the year Zeus took a sabbatical and his brother Keener-Screech courted Holly - Lukas, Jackson, Brooklyn (McKenzie Seeds) & Taylor.

I should mention that is the first time we have had a report of a live, wild peregrine from Manitoba in eastern Ontario.  We have had reports of injured birds in captivity at the Raptor Centre at McGill and other rehab facilities, but not a hunting adult peregrine in Toronto.  One of our transmitter chicks did make it as far east as Lake of the Woods as I recall before she (I think) headed south on migration, but nothing further east than that.  Question is is Max really the first to go that far?  Hard to say but we have only had three Mb peregrines turn up in Alberta I believe, so our birds don't seem to like to go too far east-west it seems.  Gotta love when the peregrines decide to share little bits of their lives away from home with us!