Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2018 / A Death in the Family - Beatrix (2011-2018)

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Thanks for the update on Beatrix TPC.  She's in the best place right now especially given that her mate has a new girl and eggs..well it wouldn't end well for someone.  She can take her time, there is always next year for babies  :-*

Thanks TPC! No doubt she is in a place where she can receive the rehab best for her. Stay put Beatrix!

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: GCG on May 21, 2016, 11:44 ---Are there any new updates on Beatrix?  ???

--- End quote ---

Same as before - doing well, bit stronger, eating nicely (if expensively) ... soft tissue injuries are a pain because they can take a long time and because it's her wing, its always in use while she's recuperating ...

Are there any new updates on Beatrix?  ???

The Peregrine Chick:
She's still in rehab down south and doing well except they still don't think she is ready to go.

I'm looking into the permit requirements to get her across the border if it comes to that but it takes more time and paperwork than you might imagine.

When she is ready to go, hopefully she won't have the urge to seek out Ty and her nestsite with any great determination, but that too we will have to wait and see about.


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