Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2016 / Ty & Faith
Number of new photos have been added to the West Wpg Gallery.
Thank you for the following report, Dennis and TPC. It's good to hear that all is well and I hope it stays that way!
West Wpg - report from Dennis - Titania has fledged! Oberon followed after her & then there was a family game of aerial chase #mbfalcons
The Peregrine Chick:
All the chicks are back at the nestbox - this troup is so cute. Oberon and Puck are sitting in the nestbox napping with their heads over their shoulders and tucked under their wings. Titania is much more of a sun worshipper - she's lying down sound asleep at the bottom of the ram in the sun, out of the wind.
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on July 13, 2016, 19:11 ---Meal time - Ty is almost lost amongst his children!!!
Clockwise from the top (in case you are interested) - Titania, Puck, Oberon, Ty ... ;D
--- End quote ---
Yes he was almost lost - I might not have found him if you wouldn’t have pointed him out. ;D
I'm so happy to hear they're all doing well; thank you for the updates.
Cool names! 8)
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