Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2016 / Ty & Faith
The Peregrine Chick:
All quiet at home base today - only Faith is hanging out from time to time.
Thanks for posting dupre. Who needs TV when you can watch nature at its best.
Thanks for the update dupre! By the sounds of it all are doing well. :)
Yesterday evening, we went for a drive and spotted two chicks on the east sign. While we were watching one of the adults flew in and dropped off some dinner. One chick was very happy hogging the dinner and one chick yelled at the parent as it flew off. The adult lazily circled away. We set off in the direction of the adult and found her (I think it was Faith) at the Tower. Then we spotted one falcon on the top of the Bleachers on the east side. Had it's back to me and I was facing west with the sun in my face, so not positive if this was the other adult or one of the chicks (I think it was one of the chicks). We were able to see 4 out of 5 of the falcons in this area so we thought this was a really successful drive.
wonderful pciutres Dennis
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