Manitoba Peregrines > Logan Peregrines

Logan - 2016 / Hart & Jolicoeur

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The Peregrine Chick:
Had a long look back through the recordings and had a very early morning visit by a bird with a black head and very nice broad white breast - Ty and Hart are our only boys with that and Ty doesn't seem to stray from West Winnipeg and this bird looked particularly familiar and comfortable where he was, so it it was anyone it would have been Hart.

Joli was around yesterday at an odd hour of the afternoon (odd for her at least) doing a lot of preening by the nestbox.  Couldn't read her band number but her coloured band is on the opposite leg from Hart's.

The Peregrine Chick:
Been quiet on-camera at the Logan site, but today, Windsor was spotted for the first time since August at the Radisson nestbox

The Peregrine Chick:
Tee hee she's harassing the local pigeon population now ... Guess we know what's on the menu for dinner!  ;D

The Peregrine Chick:
Colour band is on the wrong hand for it to be Hart ... So had to be Joli but her silver band just was the right colour ....  Will have to do some snooping on the recorder in case she's been around at other times today ...

The Peregrine Chick:
Finally I've caught a bird on camera at Logan.  Bird was by the nestbox preening but they were twisting so much that it looked more like Hart than Joli.  Then s/he was in the nestbox looking just as distressed as Princess and Smiley at the state of the box - but their box is much smaller so it isn't actually as bad just more locally concentrated.  Anywho bird hooped out of the box to preen again on a different perch and I though maybe I saw a flash of pink on the leg and which goes with my overall impression that it is Joli even though I couldn't really see her speckles - maybe the light or the fluffed up feathers while grooming ... I really need to get name tags for these birds for when the light sucks in the late afternoon!!!


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