Manitoba Peregrines > Radisson Peregrines
Radisson - 2016 / Smiley & Princess
The Peregrine Chick:
I think Princess has decided that until the chicks get older, Smiley is just going to have to wait until she's ready to give them up. He's still not doing a great job with food - again that is relative but Princess is used to much better providers. Also, when Princess does leave the box these days, Smiley's not jumping up to get in and see the chicks anymore - this morning was a good case in point, the chicks were on their own for 40 minutes and no Smiley. In fact the 9 am meal wasn't a meal, it was remains from the 0730 meal. Now if he's off hunting and just not a very good hunter so having to spend more time at it to keep the family fed, so be it. If he's just not hunting much, Princess may well be starting to take up the slack.
Chicks are 6/7 days old so getting close to age when they can be left on their own in all but very wet/cold weather. Fortunately they grow fast and Princess is a pro. Not so cold, just wet today and they are well dry where they are in the nestbox so time uncovered isn't a problem unless the wind starts pushing rain into the box and that doesn't seem to be the case for the rest of today ...
I worry about Princess as well, and have noticed that she is the parent I find either feeding or brooding. She rarely gives Smiley a chance, so it appears to me that she's still her old self.
I also worry about Princess. She spent days on the eggs and now on the chicks. She takes such good care of them but what about her nutritional needs... I hope she is getting enough, she is an older lady now. :-\
Another somewhat paltry-looking meal, but at least it was sans feathers...and dry! The kids seem contented and full, so it must have been enough ;)
Once again, I'm so thankful that Princess isn't getting soaked as she keeps her babies dry! And once again, we don't have to worry about water building up and putting the chickpile at risk :-*
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