Author Topic: Decoding Bird Songs  (Read 7100 times)

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Decoding Bird Songs
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2016, 12:00 »
This was posted on a birding loop I'm a member of so thought I would share in case there are any folks who are wanting to work on their bird identification by song skills.

Bird Song Defined Decoded Described
by Ernie Jardine

No superficial re-telling of a bird's song! This is a thorough, "teaching-oriented" guide to learning bird song. The author organizes the songs of over 200 birds according to a practical "system", which allows a birder to "access" and identify a mystery song, often right in the field while the bird is singing. More importantly each song is described in detail by its overall make-up and quality, and the nuances and progress of the notes within each is clearly explained as well as illustrated. Songs are also defined and organized according to specific habitats, as well as according to groupings with similar-sounding deliveries. Hundreds of original recordings (available on the author's website) complement and amplify what is being explained in each section of the book. Alternate songs, flight songs, and calls are included, as well as information on habitat, nesting, and summer and winter ranges. This book will be welcomed by the birder and the non-birder alike, by anyone trying to learn and understand more about bird song. (source

Book is for sale on for US$4.35 plus shipping --> Buy

Please Note - I do not own this book, nor do I know anyone who owns this book so I can't provide any opinion on how good or useful it might be.  And I don't know the author either but you can check him out at

If someone does buy this book and wishes to provide a review, please do!