California Condor Cam
Sespe Condor Sanctuary, California
USFWS link -
Cornell All About Birds link - - has updates on the same page
Courtesy of the good folks at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Santa Barbara Zoo, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund, and Friends of California Condors Wild and Free.
I've enjoyed watching this cam. Chick #793 is currently out of view, though sometimes I can hear wing flaps and vocals.
They say the cam is capable of zooming in and out to a small degree, but that's all.
Tweet from Condor Cam:
"He is currently exploring beneath the view of the cam—it’s unclear whether he’ll be able to flap his way back up to the cave" 12:41 PM - 17 Sep 2015
I sure hope he will stay safe in this very remote area.