I have been watching this cam. They are/were days before the eggs are/were to hatch. Yesterday there was a horrific hailstorm and one egg for sure was damaged. I am posting the link for the storm as well as the link for the cam.
While watching the cam, Iris was moving shells around. Not sure if it was the 2nd egg until they posted this message.
06/03 Sadly the remaining egg has not survived. Iris has removed the embryo.
In the video Stanley and Iris were both looking up at the sky while the hail came down; this gave me the feeling they were frightened and trying to understand what was happening … oh, how sorry I felt for them. When the worst was over Stanley left for a while, and then returned with a big stick to repair their nest. They tried their best …
Lots of pics and information on the link you provided, so I read all the way back to when the wind and hail suddenly occurred. Today they said “The cam will stay up, so we’ll have a unique opportunity to see how Stan & Iris respond to the vagaries of nature.”
Thank you for keeping us up to date here gcg.