Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

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--- Quote from: susha on April 23, 2015, 14:07 ---Did One Ring bring the food I wonder?

--- End quote ---
I think it is highly unlikely that One Ring had anything to do with bringing the food. No-one saw him bring any food to the nest.

Not only that, he stole food from Miep-VV twice yesterday, once earlier in the day and once in the evening.  >:(

Not sure as Miep/VV left for a bit, then came back.
So, it's unknown as to if she had to hunt it herself, or took it from 1R?
From what I have translated, 1R isn't doing much to contribute, which will only make it that much harder and stressful for Miep/VV to care for all the chicks as they grow - and we all know how quickly they grow and how much they need to eat.
Time will tell (and so will the cameras)... :-\

Did One Ring bring the food I wonder?

I was so happy to see Miep-VV with food in the nest when I checked the site a little while ago, and to see the new chick!



One Ring watched part of the feeding from the platform.

There is a feeding going on right now. 


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