Other Peregrine Projects > European Peregrines

Netherlands / De Mortel - 2015 / Pa & Miep-VieVie

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There are now two chicks - and it doesn't look like either one has been fed.
I hope things turn around and these little ones get fed along with Miep/VV.
Nature can be so beautiful, and yet so cruel at the same time. 

Miep-VV is finally back, but she has no food.  :(

The tiny chick:


One Ring with the chick:


The cams have now been turned back on, but I don't know whether the situation has been resolved.

There is one beautiful little chick, and another egg has a good-sized  pip. However, One Ring has not brought food. Miep-VV left the nest, presumably to go hunting, and has not yet returned. One Ring went into the nest, studied the chick, and almost stepped on the little one.  >:(

I hope Mom will be back very soon. The tiny chick cannot be left for long.

The cam view did not just get stuck. This was posted by VWG Gemert:

04.23.2015 | 10:09 | VWG Gemert

Due to abuse of our images, we have turned off the refresh. Sorry for the inconvenience.

No idea what this is about. At such a crucial time, too . . .


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