Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2015 / Ty & Beatrix

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The Peregrine Chick:
We have our first hatch - at least one chick today and surprise, surprise, Ty was the one who was on the tot when s/he made his appearance.  He wouldn't get off when Beatrix came to relieve him and she didn't do a Princess and push him off.  She hung out a bit in the box and when it was obvious he wasn't going anywhere, she left and came back twice more over the next couple of hours.  Then the eggshell appeared from under Ty, he did a wee bit of nibbling and then Beatrix arrived and he relinquished their chick and the 3 other eggs to her.  Chick wasn't very old, not a bright white yet so the feathers weren't completely dry yet.  Expect we should have a full house by Monday - last year all of Beatrix's eggs hatched out within 36/48 hours of each other.


--- Quote from: photosbydennis on May 27, 2015, 17:54 ---Sorry, thought this was day 32...see what happens when you retire  :P

--- End quote ---

Love your photos Dennis, especially 0017-1.

Also it’s great to know you’re keeping a close watch on the eggs (nothing wrong if just a bit early). :)

Sorry, thought this was day 32...see what happens when you retire  :P

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: photosbydennis on May 27, 2015, 08:23 ---We still have all 4 eggs in place as Beatrix got up to stretch her legs. Then back to the task at hand.

--- End quote ---

Today is day 30 for incubation, mostly they hatch between 32 and 34 days so we over the weekend is most likely.  As I recall, Beatrix's last batch all hatched out overnight so if you can only check the forum once a day, mornings are likely your best bet for new news.

We still have all 4 eggs in place as Beatrix got up to stretch her legs. Then back to the task at hand.


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