Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2015 / Ty & Beatrix
Very happy to hear this news. Well done Ty!
Congrats to Beatrix & Ty, on their 1st hatch! ;D
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on May 30, 2015, 17:34 ---We have our first hatch - at least one chick today and surprise, surprise, Ty was the one who was on the tot when s/he made his appearance. He wouldn't get off when Beatrix came to relieve him and she didn't do a Princess and push him off. She hung out a bit in the box and when it was obvious he wasn't going anywhere, she left and came back twice more over the next couple of hours. Then the eggshell appeared from under Ty, he did a wee bit of nibbling and then Beatrix arrived and he relinquished their chick and the 3 other eggs to her. Chick wasn't very old, not a bright white yet so the feathers weren't completely dry yet.
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How nice to hear that Ty was given an opportunity to experience the first hatch. It’s just so sweet whenever a female falcon allows the male to participate - especially to the extent that Beatrix allowed for their first hatch. :D
This would be a great pair to watch on a cam!
Great news!!!
This ex-west Winnipegger is happy!
Modern dad :-*
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