Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2015 / Ty & Beatrix

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The Peregrine Chick:
We thought that there must be one male and one female in this nest but it turned out to be two females and the "little" female is quickly catching up in size to her older sister.

This image is a bit deceiving because one chick is standing, the other plopped down on her butt.  All nice looking birds and very feisty which is great to see.  Banding took 15 minutes including retrieval and return but before we put them back we did take an extra minute to do a bit of housekeeping, their nestbox was a bit of a mess - couple of large gull wings were taking up valuable real estate. 

Watching later on, we noticed that Ty has started to feed the girls from the ledge - they are big enough that they overwhelm him when he brings food into the box, by staying on the ledge, he maintains some control over the feeding and maintains some of his dignity - earlier they almost tackled him like football players!

The Peregrine Chick:
chicks hanging out this afternoon in the nestbox

Got it! Thanks, TPC.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: bcbird on June 23, 2015, 21:43 ---Thanks TPC, so do I understand that a peregrine doesn't ever do recovery from the ground, should a dead prey end up there?

--- End quote ---

Oh sorry no they will go to the ground for prey if the drop it or lose it some other way ( ie another raptor attempts to steal it) but I not sure our urban birds would due to the potential for danger in such a crowded environment - in a more open or less busy area absolutely.  T-Rex took his meal to the middle of a lawn on the campus of the U of M - he ate lunch while students were eating theirs at a safe distance from him.  Where there are more buildings and traffic - foot and vehicle - they mostly just right it off

Thanks TPC, so do I understand that a peregrine doesn't ever do recovery from the ground, should a dead prey end up there?


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