Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2015 / Ty & Beatrix
Beatrix and Ty were sure upset yesterday evening. We went out at just after 6 p.m. and both birds were in flight and hollering at something. By the time we left, about 40 minutes later, they were still at it. One of them did take several short breaks and settled on one or other of the north side corners, but it wouldn't be for long and they were back at it. There must have been maintenance being done on the roof, as at one point I did see a fellow in coveralls climb the ladder and take a peek at the top part of the building. Brave fellows.
Glad to hear the banding of "the girls" went well. :D
Beautiful girls! Amazing to think that these chunky, fluffy little budda-birds will very soon be magnificent, sleek, speedy, soaring birds of prey :o
They are little beauties. Thanks again for these updates, TPC. To be able to do everything in 15 minutes is amazing. Perhaps they thought the gull wings added to the ambience. They, in their own way may thank you for cleaning their nest. They will need more room as they continue to grow.
so cute. 2 females. :-*
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