Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota
UND Tower - 2015 / Marv & Terminator
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: RCF on November 29, 2015, 10:00 ---Here's a link to the article about Malala in the Grand Forks Herald posted today (29 11 2015)
--- End quote ---
Thanks for posting this RCF.
And for those reading the article - "Marv, a newcomer who showed up in the spring of 2014" is the 2013 son of Annie from West Winnipeg & Miracle in on the Bank of the West in Fargo.
The folks in Texas were talking with Tim about Malala and wondered if he knew anyone in Canada to help with information about another bird they caught about the same time. Tim contacted me with the band number and we managed to track down that a female, captive-bred chick hack-released at the same location as some of the Edmonton chicks over the last few years. Interestingly, she had a similar grounding story as Malala - found grounded not long after fledging, taking to a rehabber where she was found to be uninjured and she was re-released from her fledge site and that was last anyone saw of her, until her debut on Padre Island. Haven't had any reports of Manitoba birds being caught there, but if one does, they are in good company and I will be sure to post the info.
Here's a link to the article about Malala in the Grand Forks Herald posted today (29 11 2015)
The Peregrine Chick:
I just got a call from the folks at Grand Forks who were sharing the same news! You two are faster than official channels - well done!! ;D
Thank you for posting this update on Malala, RCF! It is wonderful news that she has been identified on Padre Island, all the more so since back in August she was found unable to fly.
Sadly, along with this good news there is also bad news. Malala's brother Nelson was found dead on November 5; apparently he had been dead for some time. Poor little Nelson.
GF peregrine chick Malala turns up alive and well on Padre Island
“Malala,” a peregrine falcon chick hatched this spring atop the UND water tower and banded in June, has shown up on Padre Island in Texas.
Tim Driscoll, the Grand Forks raptor expert who banded the bird, said he received an email Wednesday afternoon with photos clearly showing the peregrine’s band number and another photo showing the bird being released. Driscoll said he was working to get additional info about the bird and why she was captured, but the band number confirms Malala is alive and well more than 1,700 miles from where she was banded.
There was concern about Malala this summer when a police officer found her grounded Aug. 3 near the new UND Medical School building. She was taken to the Raptor Center in St. Paul, where staff found no sign of injury or disease and dubbed her fit to fly after several days of observation. She was driven back to Grand Forks and released Aug. 12, and Driscoll hadn’t seen or heard any reports of her whereabouts since then.
Until Wednesday, that is.
Driscoll names the birds he bands for convenience, saying it’s easier to remember a name than a band number. He dubbed Malala after Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani girl who won a Nobel Peace Prize after surviving an assassination attempt aboard a school bus for defying the Taliban’s ban on girls attending school.
The news this week was less favorable for Nelson, Malala’s sibling and another of the four chicks hatched this spring on the UND water tower. Driscoll said he received word Nov. 5 the chick had been found dead on the roof of the UND steam plant, and the band number confirmed the bird’s identity. He suspects the chick, named after South African anti-apartheid activist and politician Nelson Mandela, had been dead since late July, judging by the condition of its body.
Why the chick wasn’t found or reported before now after being dead that long is anyone’s guess, Driscoll said. Another chick, Helen — for Helen Hamilton, the first woman to graduate from the UND School of Law — never fledged and likely died in the nest box, Driscoll said.
The chicks are offspring of Marv and Terminator, whom Driscoll said flew the coop and headed south for the winter in early October.
This was posted on November 18th 2015 from the Padre Island Peregrine Falcon Survey facebook page. They got the state wrong, it is North Dakota not South Dakota. If you have FB, you will be able to read all the comments. I didn't think I should copy and paste all the comments from there to here. :-\
Here is an update on Malala :)
Peregrines banded elsewhere and captured during the survey are prized, as they yield considerable hard-earned information of individual migratory traits. Ruth Mutch captured a color banded Hatch Year falcon. The black over red alpha-numeric band indicates it originated in the Northeastern USA.
Padre Island Peregrine Falcon Survey's photos.
'Ruth sends her on her way!'
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