Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota
UND Tower - 2015 / Marv & Terminator
I remember watching this video when it came out at the end of 2013. Not a job I would want as I do not do well with heights.
The Peregrine Chick:
Apparently there will be a news story about the peregrines in Grand Forks in the next couple of weeks, so I went snooping to see what else I could find that I might have missed at the end of last year ... and I found this :)
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: Alison on March 19, 2015, 04:52 ---This is the bird that successfully paired and nested in Grand Forks last year.
--- End quote ---
Just as a note, last year's Grand Forks bird is "Marv" and he was paired with Terminator from Brandon.
Marv is the offspring of Annie from West Winnipeg and his mate Miracle in Fargo.
I think that Marv may already have returned to Grand Forks.
From the Fargo blog on March 17:
. . . We wanted to give you a quick update of the season so far: On 8 March, local bird watchers reported seeing a falcon flying around the Bank of the West building and the nest box. On 9 March, bird watchers in Grand Forks, ND reported that the male who hatched in Fargo several years ago showed up there at the UND water tower. This is the bird that successfully paired and nested in Grand Forks last year. On 10 March, we began the process of setting up our camera in Fargo. If the falcons are present while we are doing this work, they make their presence known by swooping overhead and screaming loudly. This did not happen, so we are confident in saying that the bird that was sighted on the 8th was likely the bird who showed up in Grand Forks on the 9th.
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