I've only ever posted once before here, but I read updates daily.
There was a 4pm meal in which, the one sibling tried to eat a whole feather and in the process, because the parent was in the way,
it looked like the sibling was getting hit in the head with a feather. They couldn't get the feather down so they eventually managed
to get it dislodged. Then, the other sibling decided it would be a great idea to try and swallow a whole feather. For 15 minutes, I
sat watching my screen, driving my husband crazy, screaming for this bird to get the feather out. Finally, he/she got the thing out
and all was well.
I never wanted to climb a building and grab this feather from its mouth, more then I did at that moment. By the looks of things in the 'chick pile', he/she doesn't seem even remotely bothered by what happened. Next time I will just remember to breathe....
Thanks for reading my rambling, Yours: Vivianne