Author Topic: Bald Eagle - Georgia / Berry College  (Read 3832 times)

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Bald Eagle - Georgia / Berry College
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2014, 00:09 »
Berry College, Georgia

ROME-- When Berry College's Eagle Cam went live on September 18th, hopes were high. The pair of bald eagles had already hatched two eggs in January 2013. After the wireless camera was installed, they seemed unfazed by the new attention.

"But they're wild animals, you never know," Chris Kozelle, Berry's Director of News and Editorial Services told 11Alive's Julie Wolfe.

Eagles often use the same nest year after year. Over time, the nests become enormous, weighing two tons. Since bald eagles remain with the same mate until one dies, officials at Berry College were hoping the wireless camera would capture a new generation of eagles.

While the rest of Metro Atlanta was recovering from the largest ice storm in decades, the eagles welcomed two new eggs. They were laid January 14th and 16th. To the delight of those watching, the first of those eggs hatched Saturday, February 22nd. The second egg should hatch within days.

When the news reached social media, the camera views spiked. To date, the stream has been viewers 1.8 million times.

webcam link:
> cam is active now, streams 24/7 and has two views, one in the nest, one from a distance