I don't think there is a set time for bandings, TPC?. The general rule of thumb here in Ontario is get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible to reduce the stress on the chicks and the parents.
There are divided opinions however from what I've read and people I've talked to. Some biologists feel the chicks aren't stressed at all and that parents have to deal with intruders all the time so it's not placing an 'undue' stress on them. Others feel the opposite way. We the observers of course stress like crazy because we view their reactions as quite stressful.
I don't think they are taking long on purpose, ours took at least an hour if not more yesterday which is double the usual time. The reason? We had government officials there who wanted to make an announcement to support our cause and at the end of the day - when you are in position where you rely on donations and even your own money to support something like helping an endangered or threatened species, you will bend over backwards (within reason) to be able to have the support and funding of the government. It means you can do things you probably only dreamed of to help the falcons.
This year alot of the bandings seem to be very 'PR' focused and I think that's because falcons are now making a comeback and we are finally getting publicity. It's an opportunity to make people aware of the work that has been done and what still has to be done and get the general population to not only donate but to become involved.
Humans tend to be fickle and causes come and go. Several years ago they used to have 40 people show up to do 'fledge' watch at my site, now we can barely scrape 3 or 4 people together to do it and aside from myself and one other guy, they are all retired. Not that I'm knocking retirees in any way but it's not always easy on them to stand all day, run down the street, run into traffic from dawn to dusk and yet they do it without complaint. Would be nice to have some of the younger generation helping out too and you know some of the retirees have been doing this for a decade or two and you learn so much just talking to them. <<Steps off her soapbox now>>
By the way I think 2 hours is excessive too personally but I'm trying not to be so emotional now and think of it from a more professional point of view now that I'm learning more about the organization and the obstacles they face..not always easy though I admit ...