Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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We were out shopping in the WW area and left just as it started to rain. By the time we got home we were getting tiny hail.

The Peregrine Chick:
Winds have come barrelling in on West Winnipeg, only dry spot seems to be under the nestbox - can't see the chicks because the cover on the camera is totally wet and the cam is shaking like crazy.  But no one is moving and no parents in sight - even they are hunkered down!

Airport has been reporting gusts up to 73km/h in the last 10 minutes and the temperature has dropped 8 degrees in the last 11 minutes.  Heavy rain in spurts, no hail but boomers periodically.

The Peregrine Chick:
Thought Bishop might have fledged this morning when I couldn't find him on the roof for hours.  Took a trip down to check and Beatrix was kakking at me and took a fly over so I thought he must have gone down and I was getting close.  After checking vegetation, concrete, building rooftops, you name it, she was still annoyed with me but no Bishop.  So went home, started stalking the chicks via camera and waiting for them to show me their colours - yellow - Belle is easy, she has the most white still on her, then red, Bristol has less white on her head than Beaumont which always confuses me when the run out of camera range.  Then blue, well, didn't actually see the blue as Beaumont was tucked up in a small hollow on a wall facing the wrong direction.  He did obligingly show me his band number though - either way will work.  And still no silver band with no tape.  No Bishop.  After checking everyone's bands again (I should mention that the kids are all spread out on the roof, they all find spots they like).  Then Bristol was missing and I had to sweep the whole roof again - Beaumont, check; Belle, check, Bristol with two heads, check; wait a minute, zoom, zoom, zoooooooom.  And there is Bristol and Bishop sitting side-by-side at the base of the ramp - there is a sandbag there to hold the bottom of the ramp in place so it doesn't get caught by the wind and all the kids love it to sit on and to nap on.  There is always one little that stresses you out more than the others ... this year at this site, it may be Bishop ...  ::)

The Peregrine Chick:
Okay, now I remember, I don't like cam-chasing the chicks on this roof!!! I can see half of the roof, but not the other half and peregrine chicks do like to wander so it becomes a case of me poking napping chicks with my cursor so I can check the tape on their legs.  AARRGGHH.  Actually not too bad as the do tend to go where there is shade and that makes it a bit easier to discern colours even when you only see them for a second.  The Radisson girls are much more considerate ... they like to stand in front of the outer-box-cam.

Can only see 3 of the chicks at the moment ... Bristol & Belle for sure not sure who the boy is ...

The Peregrine Chick:
All the chicks were in the box last night to sleep then until about 0530h this morning when Beaumont took off onto the building roof and Bristol staked out her spot on the nestbox roof while Bishop tried to yak up a pellet and Belle finished off breakfast with mom.

Beatrix parked herself on a post on the roof after breakfast with Belle and then just before 0600h, Belle hopped off the box onto the roof to go join up with Beaumont and Bishop joined Bristol on the roof (the names are working out better than anticipated  ;))  With Beau watching intently, Bishop flew about 20 feet across the building roof from the box roof (figures our pilot is the first to get air under his wings).  Bristol took a few minutes longer and was doing a lot of practicing with her her tail gear before she jumped down from the box roof - she's further along than Belle but Belle is much more gung-ho, very little hesitation when she decides to do something it seems so far.

Kids remained out of the box until Beaumont checked out what Beatrix and Beau were "up to" at the nestbox around 0800h, then he returned for a private snack from Beatrix around 0900h leaving a sibling - I think Bristol - playing with some roofing fabric that has come loose (they all like playing with that stuff!) in a shady spot not far from the box.  Bishop and Belle/Bristol are out of camera view, likely in the shade (there is a lot of shade on this roof at all times of the day - nice feature).  Beaumont hopped down on the roof and ran off to Bishop followed by Bristol (?) a few minutes later.  Beatrix in the meantime finished off the snack and parked herself for kidsitting by the nestbox.

Since then, Belle every so often runs in and out of camera view, occasionally followed or following one of the boys - I'm inclined to think Beaumont but can't be sure.  The box has been empty for the last 1.5 hours with just Beatrix watching from the roof of the box.  The wind is starting to pick up and it is clouding over - will be interesting to see if the kids come back to the box as the winds come up (gusts in the area are already up to 40km/h)


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