Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2014 / Beau & Beatrix

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The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: burdi on July 11, 2014, 16:29 ---Since this box has more height (compared to Brandon) I’m thinking it might be helping the chicks gain wing strength quicker - and in turn, perhaps feel a little braver?
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Actually the WW nestbox and the wall box at McKenzie Seeds are pretty much the same size and design.  Certainly the Brandon chicks when they fledge from the wall box do hop up on the roof but I think it is easier for the WW because they have a wide ledge around the box edge - they have a better/wider surface for hopping up/landing on.  The distance from the box ledge to the building roof is about the same as from the box ledge to the nestbox roof is about the same so between running up/down the ramp and jumping down from the ledge, the roof was just one more level for them to hop to.  The wall box at McKenzie Seeds doesn't have that many levels.  The roof top box at McKenzie Seeds does though - between the box (which also has a ramp) and the skylights the Brandon chicks have more places/things to practice hopping and flying on on the McKenzie Seeds roof before they are get up on the wall around the edge of the roof just in advance of fledging.  More things to practice on than WW.  Both work though and that is really all that matters!  :)


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on July 11, 2014, 12:40 ---Don't think I am going to watch this cam today ... WAY too stressful.  The little terrors have been all over the place - in the box, on the roof top, sometimes running up and down the ramp, just as often jumping off the box with their wings out! 

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Since this box has more height (compared to Brandon) I’m thinking it might be helping the chicks gain wing strength quicker - and in turn, perhaps feel a little braver?

 ::) Love the names, but hope they stay put to get stronger for a little while longer.   ;D :o

The Peregrine Chick:
Don't think I am going to watch this cam today ... WAY too stressful.  The little terrors have been all over the place - in the box, on the roof top, sometimes running up and down the ramp, just as often jumping off the box with their wings out!  Yesterday Belle (our largest female & homebody) finally figured out how to get up on the box ledge and holy cats has she been making for lost time!  The other female Bristol was the first to walk along the wall edge (gave me a heart attack) and she and Bishop (smallest of our males) showed the other two how to get up on the roof of the nestbox.  Beaumont looks to be the one who has been flapping the most though Bishop has a glint in his eye I just don't trust.  Little terrors I tell you!! At the moment only Belle is in the box everyone else is either in the shade under the box or out of camera range in the shade on the roof.  When the sun goes overhead they'll have to move again and we'll track them down - actually, they are pretty good about coming back to the nestbox and letting me count them a couple of times a day.

Stopped by today at 6:20 pm. Beatrix was on the east side of the Diner. Then found Beau hanging out by the nest box. Could see the tops of some wings flapping furiously at the nest box. The chicks must be growing so quickly.


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