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Forum Clock & Changing Time

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The Peregrine Chick:
Try it now Ballywing & BCF ....   ???

The Peregrine Chick:
hmmmmm ..... *wanders back off into permissions purgatory*

Found "Lock and Layout" in my Profile.  Think I better check everything out on that page so I will be more informed about things in case I need to use it.  I don't usually read "directions" until I get in a pickle!

I had the same problem for quite some time - it's changed now, but still can't get it to say I live in Winnipeg. Haven't tried anyplace else, maybe mine thinks I'm somewheres other than here.


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on March 31, 2010, 19:06 ---
--- Quote from: ballywing on March 31, 2010, 19:04 ---Under Modify Profile, all it says is 'Account Related Settings' - there is no Look & Layout anywhere?  :(

--- End quote ---

Now this is very strange Ballywing, I have a buddy who is also an old bird phanatic who can see it ... will see what's wierdy about your permissions ....  want me to change it in the meantime?

--- End quote ---

I have the same thing as Ballywing-it just says account related settings. I used to be able to change the time but can't now


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