Author Topic: Golden Eagle  (Read 5003 times)

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Offline GCG

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Re: Golden Eagle
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2013, 15:25 »
This place is as good as any GCG.  Might have been a golden eagle, but could also have been a juvenile bald eagle, they are very similar in appearance and we have more balds than goldens around.  Did you get much of a look at it or where you struck dumb while multi-tasking?  Bald eagles take 5-7 years to get their white heads and tails but when they are flying you can tell them apart.  What did you notice about the bird?

thinking that it could have been a young Bald Eagle. did get a good look. I know that a Bald does not get the white until a bit older. I'm glad I was standing, as a U.S. citizen, Landed immigrant of Canada, I started singing tha U.S. National Anthem. Oh Say can you see..... Thank you for your quick response. GCG

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Golden Eagle
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2013, 14:33 »
This place is as good as any GCG.  Might have been a golden eagle, but could also have been a juvenile bald eagle, they are very similar in appearance and we have more balds than goldens around.  Did you get much of a look at it or where you struck dumb while multi-tasking?  Bald eagles take 5-7 years to get their white heads and tails but when they are flying you can tell them apart.  What did you notice about the bird?

Offline GCG

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Golden Eagle
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2013, 14:29 »
Tracy, While on the phone, as usual, talking while looking out my kitchen window, a golden eagle passed from west to east over my home. I am still in "shock" from what I saw. Is this possible? So sorry, did not know where to post this.  :o :o :o