Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota
UND Tower - 2013 / unbanded male & Terminator
Thanks for the explanation and the picture TPC. Very interesting, I had no idea.
The Peregrine Chick:
A brood patch is how birds transfer heat from their bodies to their eggs/chicks. Its a patch of featherless skin on their breast/belly where there are lots of blood vessels near the surface of the skin so that the skin is much warmer and that is how their body heat to the eggs. Its also part of why they rotate the eggs, maintaining an even baking temperature if you like. It's not particularly visible on peregrines unless you look for it, but can be very visible on other birds and all birds have them. Both male and female peregrines have them during the nesting season because they both incubate eggs/brood young. They are hard to see when you watch the peregrines because the feathers around cover the patch up.
Found this wild photo of a kestrel with a very visible brood patch. I have never seen a brood patch this visible on a raptor but it is a good illustration of what/where the brood patch is (though location can vary on individual birds) ...
Source: Flight of the Peregrine blog
Sorry.....what's a brood patch?
And I agree with Kinderchick......TPC, you are a living, walking, breathing PF "family tree" expert.
Sounds like you could recite this in your sleep!
Holy smokes! :o You are a living, walking, breathing PF "family tree" expert, TPC! ;D
The Peregrine Chick:
One of Terminator's 2011 chicks was injured (not seriously) in May in the St Paul area. She had a brood patch and it was thought she might have lost a territorial fight but they couldn't determine where she might have been. She was rehabbed and was re-released in June near Alexandria, Minnesota so that if she was in a territorial fight she would run afoul of her combatant again.
Her name is Eve and she is Smiley's and Alice's sister.
Mintaka, Nemaha, Niobrara are fourth cousins
Jolicoeur and Sandy are her aunts
Zeus and Holly are her grandparents
Mufasa and Phoebe are her great grandparents
Pop and Maud are her great-great-grandparents
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