Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota
UND Tower - 2013 / unbanded male & Terminator
What a great video! Very interesting to watch. The nest box itself was actually quite clean compared to the nest ledge. Unlike some nest boxes where there isn't a nearby ledge such as Orange, NSW, Aust. The 2 men sure scaled that tower quickly. LOL! ;)
Good video, and it doesn't require Flash to view it.
The Peregrine Chick:
Love the video, wish I could have done that when we cleaned up at the West Winnipeg nestsite this year, the worst we have ever had but that was because the site was very protected from wind and weather. However, with all the dust (dried falcon feces) and feathers (and legs and heads etc) and who knows what else, it might well have obscured the camera lens in the same way it kept obscuring our safety glasses! 8)
VIDEO: High-altitude housecleaning atop UND water tower
High-altitude housecleaning was the order of business Thursday afternoon when Cory Floden of rural East Grand Forks and firefighter Nate Reitan of Grand Forks scaled the UND water tower to clean up after peregrine falcons that nested atop the 150-foot structure this summer.
The Peregrine Chick:
Haven't heard yet if the Grand Forks folks have named their unbanded male yet, but it occurs to me that "Mr T" might not be a bad name ;) ;D ::)
I'm trying to track down a photo of the male for our records ...
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