Author Topic: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur  (Read 54135 times)

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Offline Shocka88

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #138 on: September 18, 2013, 13:29 »
What wonderful news! It sure does explain Birdnut's reports over the summer. Do hope Cowboy & Joli cooperate in the spring and we have another family AND no drama!    :)

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #137 on: September 17, 2013, 11:18 »
I always laugh at these spring hookups. Sounds like a soap opera.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #136 on: September 17, 2013, 10:31 »
Boy oh boy, you sure do have an extraordinary knack for keeping on top of all the PF "shinanigans",TPC! ;) 8)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #135 on: September 17, 2013, 10:28 »
from posting #108:
.....Joli had three mates ostensibly this year - first Ivy at the Radisson until Princess returned, then hot and heavy with Smiley until Cowboy returned. 
Did you take blood sample at banding?  Can we do a "Maury Povich" show?
Butch, Sundance and Carver :  who's your Daddy?  

Actually we were concerned/interested about that too Birdnut, but we were keeping a very close record of dates with Joli and it sure seems like the chicks could only be Cowboy's.  Joli was with Ivy for a week-ish at the end of March/beginning of April.  She was with Smiley middle couple of weeks in April (between 7-14 days) then Cowboy turned in the last week of April and incubation didn't begin until the beginning of June.  Given it was a month plus with Cowboy, the chicks are, so far as we can tell, his.  Add to that that the chicks weren't particularly large, which would seem to confirm that they are more likely Cowboy's as he's related to Trey and Hurricane and Brooklyn all of whom are on the smaller size for their genders.  Smiley is one of Terminator's kids and looks larger and Joli is also larger out of Fargo and I would have thought their kids would have been more along the lines of Beau's and Jules' kids even for being males.  But yes, we did do a little investigation as to whether or not peregrine paternity nests were possible, and the answer is that it might be possible ...

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #134 on: September 17, 2013, 10:28 »
"Who's your daddy"?! LOL! Good one birdnut! ;D

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #133 on: September 17, 2013, 10:08 »
Ha ha, who's your daddy! Gad, I'll be giggling about this all day.

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #132 on: September 17, 2013, 09:45 »
from posting #108:
.....Joli had three mates ostensibly this year - first Ivy at the Radisson until Princess returned, then hot and heavy with Smiley until Cowboy returned. 

Did you take blood sample at banding?
Can we do a "Maury Povich" show?

Butch, Sundance and Carver :  who's your Daddy?

Offline bev.

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #131 on: September 16, 2013, 16:47 »
are they still around Tracy.

we have had unusually warm weather so I think ours are holding off. mind you ours do not usually leave till first week in Oct.

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #130 on: September 16, 2013, 15:50 »
Good observations. It kind of does make sense

Offline Cooper

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #129 on: September 16, 2013, 12:19 »
Well, how very interesting!
And how wonderful to have had a new PF family in Winnipeg!

In hindsight, the news makes sense (to me) of all the rather unusual behaviour of Princess and Ivy (and later their chicks) this season. I'd wondered why Ivy and Princess rarely sat across from each other, one on the Hydro building and one on the west nest ledge, as they had regularly done in past seasons and why I so often saw them and their chicks in locales south of Portage (luckily close to me) rather than on and north of Portage (where I used to have to go look for them). Sort of makes sense now doesn't it!  
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 15:59 by Cooper »

Offline mwhelan

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #128 on: September 16, 2013, 10:32 »
I'm thrilled to hear that Cowboy and Joli had a successful nest.  ;D That is wonderful news.  Hope they choose a site, next year, further away from the hotel.

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #127 on: September 15, 2013, 20:33 »
My opinion is that we must all remember that this is not about you and me, but about the PF's and their success. We have no "right" to any information that is not in the best interest of the PF's. We have no "right" to hear news first before other groups. Like any other forum, we can leave if we don't agree with how things go. Tracy is in change, if any of us don't like it, too bad. It has been very fortunate that in most matters, the love for this project dictates that cooler heads prevail and the generous support of the members continues. Please keep up the great work Tracy.
Great to hear of this news, no matter how it comes to us.

Offline Doreen

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #126 on: September 15, 2013, 10:43 »
Great job Tracy! I'm glad to know Cowboy and Joli had 3 boys who successfully fledge without incident. Welcome Butch, Sundance and Carver.  :D
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 10:58 by Doreen »

Offline Saoirse

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #125 on: September 15, 2013, 10:01 »
I think Bev and Jazzerkins have said it all. TPC, you have my full support and, I know, that of most on the forum. Keep up the absolutely amazing work you have done for so long and continue to do.

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Re: Logan - 2013 / Cowboy & Jolicoeur
« Reply #124 on: September 15, 2013, 07:14 »
I really do understand where some of the posters are coming from.  Having said that, I have to say that Tracy makes very valid points. It has always been my understanding that this forum is is here to keep the falcon lovers advised and as up to date as possible on what is happening with these wonderful birds here in Winnipeg and elsewhere, but is just a side-line.  The main focus of the Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project is, first and foremost, aimed at helping birds at risk.  In life, everyone has to live by some set of rules or other.  In this case, Tracy had to honor an agreement made with the owners of a building where a nest site was established by the birds.  Just because she was a day "late" in informing the people on this forum about this new nest site is no reason to chastise her.  I believe she works very, very hard to let all of us know what is going on with falcons in Winnipeg.  I, for one, am very grateful for all the work she puts into the Project and this forum.  If some things have to be kept "secret" for a time, I really do not see any reason to get upset and "threaten" to take your donations some where else.  We do not have to know, or have the right to know, everything that the Project is doing all the time.  I will continue to support this site and also continue enjoying it as long as it is here.  Everyone has a right to choose who they support and for what reason.  Fellow posters - please try to understand that, just because you donate to this Project, you do so because of the falcons, not because of what is posted on the forum.