this intruder appears to be same one we had a few times before Chase came. But other times did not stay long.
last nihgt it was more persistent.(friday may3)
Jean is aware of last night so hopefully she can be my eyes when she is home.
so all appeared O.k. last night.
When we got there R was on Medical engineering bldg, north of box .
We did not see Chase.
Peter went to get us a tea an d while he was gone she( RAdisson) flew off beyond Ed building
By the time we got up to top of parkade, .two at box , and the Chase flew up to west corner of Maz
All appeared well( I must note , I heard her alarm call at box just after 6pm but then all seemed well)
He flew off north east and we waited for him to return. As falcons do, he appeared all of a sudden flying out behind Clinical science and then to front of clinical science on jut. R chupped . He then flew past box to top of Maz again.( now I am thinking he saw this one when he was flying above Clinical Science)
It was about 8:40pm so we decided to call it a night as I was hoping R would spend night
AS we were leaving area I saw a falcon fly onto front of University hospital , just a bit west and behind Clinical Science . I knew it was not ours so we headed back. R would not be able to see it but Chase could see it.
Sure enough Chase was on the chase. diving and flying and then R flew off box.
Both chased it and then Just R and then she flew back to Maz. Chase kept after it and then he flew on Maz and they both called at it . It just kept flying .
Chase finally had enough an d we thought it left
(They both hit it a few times)
But no, it came back and Chase just kept dive bombing in area of University hospital. He flew after it and then Chase flew up on CP. it flew past him an d above and Chase went after it again.
finally it headed north.
R came over to College Plaza and sat with Chase
We headed home
Heart stopping and we believe a female, maybe young , but we will have to be aware ,n ow. Because it was getting dark it was hard to see who this is, but I am 95% sure it was same one as before.
Pictures in next reply